In the triangle ABC, the angle B is 90 degrees, the point O is the intersection of the bisectors of the three angles of the triangle ABC, OE is vertical AB, of is vertical AC, O is vertical AB, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AB, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is d. E, f are perpendicular feet, BC = 16cm, ab = 12cm, find the distance from point O to three sides AB, AC, BC

In the triangle ABC, the angle B is 90 degrees, the point O is the intersection of the bisectors of the three angles of the triangle ABC, OE is vertical AB, of is vertical AC, O is vertical AB, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AB, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is vertical AC, O is d. E, f are perpendicular feet, BC = 16cm, ab = 12cm, find the distance from point O to three sides AB, AC, BC

∵ - ABC = 90 ∵ AC = √ (AB & # 178; + BC & # 178;) = √ (144 + 256) = 20s △ ABC = BC × AB / 2 = 16 × 12 / 2 = 96 ∵ Ao bisection ∵ BAC, OD ⊥ AC, OE ⊥ ab ∵ od = OE ∵ co bisection ∵ ACB, OD ⊥ AC, of ⊥ BC ∵ od = of ∵ od = OE = of ∵ AOB = ab × OE / 2 = ab × od / 2S