On the practical significance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory in the practice of enterprise management

On the practical significance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory in the practice of enterprise management

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is the most well-known theory of motivation. He believes that everyone has five levels of needs: 1. Physiological needs, including food, water, shelter, sex and other physical needs; 2. Safety needs, the need to protect oneself from physical and emotional harm, while ensuring that physiological needs can be continuously met; 3. Social needs, It includes the needs of love, belonging, acceptance and friendship; 4. The needs of respect, the internal factors of respect include self-esteem, autonomy and sense of achievement, and the external factors of respect include status, identity and attention; 5. The needs of self realization, growth and development, exerting one's potential and realizing one's ideas
In terms of motivation, Maslow pointed out that each need level must be met in essence before the next goal can be activated. At the same time, once the needs of a certain level are met in essence, it will no longer have an incentive effect. In other words, when a need is met, the next level will become the dominant need
The practical significance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is as follows
1. If you want to motivate someone, you have to know what level of needs the person is currently at, and focus on meeting the needs at or above that level. If managers are trying to change their organization or management activities, they have to meet the needs of employees
2. Among the five kinds of needs, physiological needs and security needs are lower level needs, while social needs, respect needs and self realization needs are higher level needs. Higher level needs satisfy people internally, while lower level needs mainly satisfy people externally
3. For example, for lower level employees, material rewards may have more incentive effect, while for higher level employees, such as senior professionals and managers, the sense of responsibility and achievement of work may have more incentive effect