The length of the chord of the line x-y-5 = 0 cut by the circle x2 + y2-4x + 4Y + 6 = 0 is___ .

The length of the chord of the line x-y-5 = 0 cut by the circle x2 + y2-4x + 4Y + 6 = 0 is___ .

The circle x2 + y2-4x + 4Y + 6 = 0 is changed into (X-2) 2 + (y + 2) 2 = 2, so the center coordinate (2, - 2) radius of the circle is: 2, the distance from the center of the circle to the straight line x-y-5 = 0 is: D = | 2 + 2-5| 12 + (- 1) 2 = 22. The distance from the center of the circle to the straight line, the radius of the circle, and the half chord length satisfy the Pythagorean theorem, that is: (2) 2 - (22) 2 =