In the regular tetrahedron ABCD, e and F are the midpoint of AC and CD respectively, and the cosine value of the angle formed by the lines be and AF on the different planes is calculated

In the regular tetrahedron ABCD, e and F are the midpoint of AC and CD respectively, and the cosine value of the angle formed by the lines be and AF on the different planes is calculated

Draw this graph, take the midpoint m of CF on the surface ACD, connect me, so me and AF are parallel (median line), the topic becomes to find the cosine value of the angle between me and be, and every face of a regular tetrahedron is a regular triangle, so each side of the triangle BME is easy to find. (if there is a midpoint, there is a right angle, you can set the side length to 4) and then use the cosine theorem! (available in textbooks)