The image of the linear function y = KX + B (K ≠ 0, B ≠ 0) always passes through the point (0,?) And (0,?) Two points, the positive proportion function y = KX (K ≠ 0) always passes through (0,?) And (1,?) Two points

The image of the linear function y = KX + B (K ≠ 0, B ≠ 0) always passes through the point (0,?) And (0,?) Two points, the positive proportion function y = KX (K ≠ 0) always passes through (0,?) And (1,?) Two points

Let x = 0, then y = B; let y = 0, then x = - B / K; therefore, it must pass through (0, b) and (- B / K, 0), and the second pass through (0,0)
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