What is a positive scale function? What is an inverse scale function?

What is a positive scale function? What is an inverse scale function?

(1) Y = KX (k is a constant, and K ≠ 0), we say that y is a positive proportion function of X, and the positive proportion function is a special first-order function [the general form of the first-order function is y = KX + B (B is not 0, K is a constant)] image method: 1. List (undetermined coefficient) 2. Trace point 3. The image of connecting positive proportion function is a straight line, which must pass through the origin of coordinates. When k > 0, the image passes through one or three quadrants, Y increases with the increase of X. when K 0, the image is in one or three quadrants. In each quadrant, y decreases with the increase of X. when K 0, the image is in one or three quadrants