It's depressing that I didn't bring the book with me Not too much. It's better to write down one point at the end of each summary on no more than one piece of paper Three lines per chapter... No books on holiday

It's depressing that I didn't bring the book with me Not too much. It's better to write down one point at the end of each summary on no more than one piece of paper Three lines per chapter... No books on holiday

1. Space geometry
Three views and visual charts
Surface area and volume of the billiard ball of the cylindrical vertebral body
I can't work out the formula. I'm sure you will remember
2. Position relationship between points, lines and planes
Axiom 1: if two points on a line are in a plane, then the line is in this plane
Axiom 2: there is only one plane passing through three points which are not on a straight line
Axiom 3: if two non coincident planes have a common point, then they have and only have one common line passing through the point
Axiom 4: two lines parallel to the same line are parallel to each other
Theorem: if a line outside the plane is parallel to a line inside the plane, the line is parallel to the plane
Theorem: if two intersecting lines in a plane are parallel to another plane, the two planes are parallel
Theorem: if two parallel planes intersect the third plane at the same time, their intersection lines are parallel
Theorem: if a line is perpendicular to two intersecting lines of a plane, the line is perpendicular to the plane
Theorem: if one plane is perpendicular to another, the two planes are perpendicular
Theorem: if two planes are perpendicular, the line perpendicular to the intersection line in one plane is perpendicular to the other plane
3. Line and equation
Inclination angle and slope of straight line
Intersection coordinates and distance formula of straight line
4. Circle and equation
The position relationship between line and circle