Square divided by 5 is equal to 19 / 18 of triangle plus triangle to find the value of square and triangle Square divided by 5 is equal to 19 / 18 of triangle plus triangle to find the value of square and triangle A circle divided by six equals a star, and a circle minus a star equals 81 / 10

Square divided by 5 is equal to 19 / 18 of triangle plus triangle to find the value of square and triangle Square divided by 5 is equal to 19 / 18 of triangle plus triangle to find the value of square and triangle A circle divided by six equals a star, and a circle minus a star equals 81 / 10

Then □ = 5 ×Δ
5×△+△=19/18 ,
Then △ = 19 / 18 △ (5 + 1) = 19 / 108
Then 0 = 6 ×
Then [,