The average distance between the sun and the earth divided by the speed of light is equal to the number of seconds (time of arrival at the speed of light), right?

The average distance between the sun and the earth divided by the speed of light is equal to the number of seconds (time of arrival at the speed of light), right?

The distance between the earth and the sun is 152 million kilometers at the far point and 147 million kilometers at the near point, with an average of 150 million kilometers
The accurate speed of light propagation is 299792458 meters per second, which is generally taken as an integer of 300000 kilometers per second
Time of sunlight reaching the ground = 1500000000 / 300000
=500 (seconds)
About 8.33 (points)
About 8 minutes and 20 seconds
At the beginning of January every year, the earth is located at the perihelion of the orbit around the sun, and the distance between the sun and the earth reaches the minimum, about 147.1 million km. At the beginning of July every year, the earth is located at the apogee of the orbit around the sun, and the distance between the sun and the earth reaches the maximum, About 152.1 million kilometers. The speed of light is 300000 kilometers per second. The shortest distance from the sun to the earth is 8 minutes 10 seconds, and the farthest distance is 8 minutes 27 seconds