For a two digit number, the number on the ten digit is less than the square of the number on the individual digit by 2. If the one digit number of this number is exchanged with the ten digit number, the two digit number obtained is 36 less than the original number, so the original two digit number can be obtained

For a two digit number, the number on the ten digit is less than the square of the number on the individual digit by 2. If the one digit number of this number is exchanged with the ten digit number, the two digit number obtained is 36 less than the original number, so the original two digit number can be obtained

Let X be the one digit number, then x2-2 be the ten digit number. From the meaning of the question, we can get: 10 (x2-2) + X - (10x + x2-2) = 36. From the solution, we can get: X1 = 3, X2 = - 2 (rounding off), 32-2 = 7. This two digit number is 73. A: the original two digit number is 73