A and B two cars from AB two places to each other, 60 kilometers away from a first meet, each arrived at the other party's starting point, immediately return on the way and 40 kilometers away from a meet How many kilometers are ab apart

A and B two cars from AB two places to each other, 60 kilometers away from a first meet, each arrived at the other party's starting point, immediately return on the way and 40 kilometers away from a meet How many kilometers are ab apart

A and B are facing each other from ab. when they meet for the first time at a distance of 60 km from a, a runs 60 km,
When they arrive at each other's starting place, they immediately return and meet 40 kilometers away from a place. At this time, the journey of a and B vehicles
The total amount is three times of the whole journey, that is, car a has traveled a total of 60 * 3 = 180 km
AB distance (180 + 40) / 2 = 110 km