Three inequalities are known: (1) AB > 0, (2) C / a > D / B, (3) BC > ad If two of them are taken as the conditions and the other one is taken as the conclusion, the composition can be formed______ A correct proposition

Three inequalities are known: (1) AB > 0, (2) C / a > D / B, (3) BC > ad If two of them are taken as the conditions and the other one is taken as the conclusion, the composition can be formed______ A correct proposition

1. Condition (1) AB > 0, (2) C / a > D / B, conclusion (3) BC > ad
2. Condition (1) AB > 0 (3) BC > ad conclusion, (2) C / a > D / b
3. Condition, (2) C / a > D / B, (3) BC > ad conclusion (1) AB > 0
So it can be made up of three