1. A store needs to purchase a batch of TV sets and washing machines. According to the market survey, it is decided that the purchase quantity of TV sets is not less than half of that of washing machines. The purchase price and selling price of TV sets and washing machines are as follows: Category TV washing machine Purchase price (yuan / set) 1800 1500 Price (yuan / set) 2000 1600 Plan to buy 100 TV sets and washing machines, the store can raise up to 161800 yuan (1) Can you help the store to figure out how many kinds of purchase plans there are (2) Which purchase plan will get the most profit when the TV set and washing machine are sold in the store? And find out the most profit. (profit = selling price purchase price) 2. In 2007, a county in our city was preparing for the 20th anniversary of the county celebration. The garden department decided to use the existing 3490 pots of A-type flowers with a and B-type gardening models, a total of 50, placed on both sides of Yingbin Avenue. It is known that 80 pots of A-type flowers, 40 pots of B-type flowers, 50 pots of A-type flowers and 90 pots of B-type flowers are required to match A-type flowers (1) The extracurricular activity group of class 1, grade 9 of a school undertook the design of this gardening modeling matching scheme. How many matching schemes are there? Please help to design them (2) If the cost of matching a model a is 800 yuan, and that of matching a model B is 960 yuan, try to explain which scheme in (1) has the lowest cost? What is the lowest cost? The answer should be before 21:00:00 on May 30, 2009. Those who know the answer should answer immediately

1. A store needs to purchase a batch of TV sets and washing machines. According to the market survey, it is decided that the purchase quantity of TV sets is not less than half of that of washing machines. The purchase price and selling price of TV sets and washing machines are as follows: Category TV washing machine Purchase price (yuan / set) 1800 1500 Price (yuan / set) 2000 1600 Plan to buy 100 TV sets and washing machines, the store can raise up to 161800 yuan (1) Can you help the store to figure out how many kinds of purchase plans there are (2) Which purchase plan will get the most profit when the TV set and washing machine are sold in the store? And find out the most profit. (profit = selling price purchase price) 2. In 2007, a county in our city was preparing for the 20th anniversary of the county celebration. The garden department decided to use the existing 3490 pots of A-type flowers with a and B-type gardening models, a total of 50, placed on both sides of Yingbin Avenue. It is known that 80 pots of A-type flowers, 40 pots of B-type flowers, 50 pots of A-type flowers and 90 pots of B-type flowers are required to match A-type flowers (1) The extracurricular activity group of class 1, grade 9 of a school undertook the design of this gardening modeling matching scheme. How many matching schemes are there? Please help to design them (2) If the cost of matching a model a is 800 yuan, and that of matching a model B is 960 yuan, try to explain which scheme in (1) has the lowest cost? What is the lowest cost? The answer should be before 21:00:00 on May 30, 2009. Those who know the answer should answer immediately

1. If a TV set is purchased, 100-a washing machines will be purchased. (1) as a maximum of 161800 yuan can be raised, 1800A + 1500 * (100-a) can be obtained