An applied problem of inequality system Xiexie, thank you

An applied problem of inequality system Xiexie, thank you

1. A person's hair is about 100000 to 200000. Each hair grows 0.32mm every day. Xiaoying's hair is about 10cm now. How long will it take for her hair to grow to 16cm to 28cm?
Let the hair grow to 16cm to 28cm after X days
The solution is 187.5 ≤ x ≤ 562.5
So it takes 188 to 563 days for hair to grow to 16cm to 28cm
2. Water is one of the most precious resources of human beings. The per capita share of water resources in China is far lower than the world average level. In order to save water and protect the environment, the school made a detailed water use plan at the beginning of this semester. If the actual daily use of water is one ton more than the plan, the water consumption in this semester will exceed 2200 tons. If the actual daily use of water is one ton less than the plan, the actual daily use of water will exceed 2200 tons, Then the water consumption in this semester will be less than 2090 tons. If the school time is calculated as 110 days (22 weeks) in this semester, what is the range of daily water consumption in the school?
Set X tons per day
Then 110 (x + 1) > 2200, x + 1 > 20, x > 19