On the map of 1:250000 scale, the distance between the two cities is 12 cm. On the map of 1:1000000 scale, what is the distance between the two cities? A chemical fertilizer plant produces a batch of chemical fertilizers, 90 tons in the first five days. According to this calculation, it took 12 days to produce this batch of chemical fertilizers. How many tons are there in this batch of chemical fertilizers With the above question: () and () are in proportion, () must be

On the map of 1:250000 scale, the distance between the two cities is 12 cm. On the map of 1:1000000 scale, what is the distance between the two cities? A chemical fertilizer plant produces a batch of chemical fertilizers, 90 tons in the first five days. According to this calculation, it took 12 days to produce this batch of chemical fertilizers. How many tons are there in this batch of chemical fertilizers With the above question: () and () are in proportion, () must be

Hello: (1) the distance on the graph is 12x250000 △ 1000000 = 3cm. (2) suppose that there are a total of X tons, 90: x = 5: 12x = 90x12 △ 5x = 216 (total output) and (days) in a (positive) proportion, (tons produced per day). If you are not clear about this problem, you can ask. If you are satisfied, please remember to adopt it