0,2,3,7 form a four digit number. What is the largest odd number and the smallest even number? At the same time, what is the largest four digit number of 2,3 multiples? What's the minimum number of four digits of 5 or 3 at the same time? At the same time, what is the maximum number of four digits of 2 or 5 times?

0,2,3,7 form a four digit number. What is the largest odd number and the smallest even number? At the same time, what is the largest four digit number of 2,3 multiples? What's the minimum number of four digits of 5 or 3 at the same time? At the same time, what is the maximum number of four digits of 2 or 5 times?

0, 2, 3, 7, make up a four digit number
The largest odd number is 7203
The smallest even number is 3072
At the same time, the biggest four digit number of 2,3 multiples is 7320