The first electronic computer in the world

The first electronic computer in the world

The first electronic computer
The first electronic computer was made shortly after the Second World War. At that time, with the development of artillery, trajectory calculation became more and more complicated, and some of the original computers could not meet the operational requirements. There was an urgent need for a new fast calculation tool, At that time, electronic technology had shown that it had the functions of counting, calculating, transmitting, storing and controlling, and so on. The electronic computer came into being. The first electronic computer in the world was named "eniak", which was successfully developed by Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. It contained more than 18000 electronic tubes and a large number of resistors and capacitors, For the first time, "eniak" could do 5000 additions or 400 multiplications per second. It would take two hours to do 40 point trajectory calculation with the fastest electromechanical computer at that time, while "eniak" only needed three seconds, which was really a great achievement at that time. However, "eniak" was not perfect, in fact, it had no memory, Only the register made of electron tube can store only 10 numbers. When other problems need to be converted, it takes a lot of time to rewire