Research with calculator (1) Take any number greater than 1, square the positive square root, and then square it. If his square root operation continues, what number is the result close to? (2) Take any number that is less than 1 and greater than 0, square the positive square root, and then square it. If his square root operation continues, what number will the result be close to? (3) Think about it from the angle of inverse operation of square root, that is, square, can you tell the truth?

Research with calculator (1) Take any number greater than 1, square the positive square root, and then square it. If his square root operation continues, what number is the result close to? (2) Take any number that is less than 1 and greater than 0, square the positive square root, and then square it. If his square root operation continues, what number will the result be close to? (3) Think about it from the angle of inverse operation of square root, that is, square, can you tell the truth?

Both are close to 1
The square of a number greater than 1 is greater than itself, and the square of a number less than 1 and greater than 0 is less than itself and greater than 0