If a and B are not divisible by Prime n + 1, can a ^ N-B ^ n be divisible by N + 1? Can give a proof; can't give a reason,

If a and B are not divisible by Prime n + 1, can a ^ N-B ^ n be divisible by N + 1? Can give a proof; can't give a reason,

Prove: if Prime n + 1 does not divide a, that is, a and 0 are not congruent with respect to module n + 1. Then, according to Fermat's theorem, there are congruences between a ^ n and 1 with respect to module (n + 1). Similarly, there are congruences between B ^ n and 1 with respect to module (n + 1)
On module (n + 1) congruence between a ^ N-B ^ n and 0, that is, (n + 1) divising a ^ N-B ^ n