What are the stories about the mathematician Gauss? Medium number of words! 5 best!

What are the stories about the mathematician Gauss? Medium number of words! 5 best!

Life story
Gauss is the son of an ordinary couple. His mother is the daughter of a poor stonecutter. Although she is very smart, she has no education and is almost illiterate. Before she became Gauss's father's second wife, she worked as a maid. His father worked as a gardener, a foreman, a merchant's assistant and an appraiser in a small insurance company
It has become an anecdote that Gauss was able to correct his father's debt account when he was three years old. He once said that he learned to calculate on the pile of wheat fairy. It was God's gift to carry out complex calculations in his mind
When Gauss was 9 years old, Gauss used a very short time to calculate the task assigned by the primary school teacher: To sum the natural numbers from 1 to 100. His method is: To sum the number sequence of 50 pairs of constructed sum 101 (1 + 100, 2 + 99, 3 + 98...) However, according to more detailed mathematical history records, Gauss's solution is not as simple as adding 1 to 100, but an arithmetic sequence of 81297 + 81495 +. + 100899 (tolerance 198, number of items 100)
When Gauss was 12 years old, he began to doubt the basic proof of element geometry. When he was 16 years old, he predicted that there would be a completely different geometry outside Euclidean geometry. He derived the general form of binomial theorem, successfully applied it to infinite series, and developed the theory of mathematical analysis
Gauss's teacher bruettner and his assistant Martin Bartels recognized Gauss's extraordinary talent in mathematics very early. Meanwhile, Herzog Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Braunschweig was also deeply impressed by this gifted child. So they started from the age of 14, This also enabled Gauss to study at carolinum College (the predecessor of Braunschweig college today) from 1792 to 1795. At the age of 18, Gauss transferred to Gottingen University to study. At the age of 19, he was the first to successfully construct a regular 17 angle with a ruler
Gauss married Johanna Elisabeth Rosina ostroff (1780-1809) from Braunschweig on October 5, 1805. On August 21, 1806, he had his first child Joseph. After that, he had two more children, Wilhelmine (1809-1840) and Louis (1809-1810). In 1807, Gauss became a professor at the University of Gottingen and the director of the local observatory
Although Gauss is famous as a mathematician, it does not mean that he loves teaching. Nevertheless, more and more of his students become influential mathematicians, such as Richard Dedekind and Riemann, who founded Riemann geometry
Since the early 1840s, Gauss almost completely withdrew from the innovative research of physics, only engaged in routine astronomical observation, calculating the problems left over from the Hanover geodesic work, and making some modifications to the old research topics, published comments or reports, He didn't react strongly to E.E. Kummer's new idealism (1845) and was indifferent to Neptune's discovery (1846). C.G. Jacobi said after attending the Conference Commemorating the 50th anniversary of Gauss's doctorate that when he talked about mathematical problems with Gauss, he was not interested in solving some small mathematical problems, In the 1940s, Gauss paid more attention to the affairs of gddingen University and served as the head of the faculty. He spent several years laying the financial budget of the University widows foundation on reliable statistical rules. He was also more interested in teaching, Most of them are in astronomy. Only in his first year as a professor, he once gave a lecture on number theory. His most common lecture is the least squares method and its application in science. In his later years, Gauss was regarded as a scientific genius by people outside the academic circle, but Gauss himself was extremely keen on collecting all kinds of statistical data from newspapers, books and daily life, Almost every day, he goes to the reading room attached to the literary society (Gauss is a member) founded by the old school to look for all kinds of data. If a student's newspaper is what he is looking for, Gauss will stare at him until he is handed over the newspaper. Therefore, he is nicknamed "reading room bully" by the students. It is said that this habit is very important for him to engage in investment activities (mainly buying bonds), The property he left behind is almost 200 times his annual salary, which shows that he is a good financial man
In the last few years of his life, Gauss remained a scholar, reading and participating in academic activities as he could
In 1850, heart disease worsened and movement was restricted
There was an eclipse on July 1, 1851, and Gauss made his last astronomical observation
In 1851, he approved g.f.b. Riemann's doctoral dissertation and gave it high praise
In 1852, we improved Foucault pendulum and solved some small mathematical problems
In 1853, Riemann was selected as a lecturer to answer questions (geometric basis)
In January 1854, Gauss's heart was enlarged and will die soon. But his condition was miraculously relieved
In June 1854, he listened to Riemann's defense report on geometric basis and attended the opening ceremony of the railway between gerdingen and Hanover
In August 1854, the disease worsened and the lower limbs became edematous
In the early morning of February 3, 1855, Gauss died in his sleep
Gauss's funeral was attended by senior government and university officials. In his eulogy, his son-in-law praised Gauss as a rare and unparalleled genius. Among the mourners was 24-year-old j.w.r. Dedekind, who took Gauss's least squares course
Gauss's brain, with deep and numerous gyri, is collected as an anatomical specimen at the University of gddingen
The publication of Carl Friedrich gauss'werke lasted 67 years (1863-1929), which was participated by many famous mathematicians, and finally completed under the guidance of F. Klein. The first seven volumes are basically edited according to disciplines: Volume 1,2, number theory; Volume 3, analysis; Volume 4, probability theory and geometry; Volume 5, mathematical physics; volume 6,7, Astronomy. The contents of other volumes are as follows: Volume 8, Addenda on arithmetic, analysis, probability and Astronomy; Volume 9 is the continuation of Volume 6, including geodesy; Volume 10 is divided into two parts: I. articles and diaries on arithmetic, algebra, analysis and geometry; II. Comments on Gauss's mathematical and mechanical work by other writers; Volume 11 is also divided into two parts: I, Some articles on physics and astronomy, II. Comments on Gauss's geodesy, physics and astronomy by other authors; Vol. 12, miscellaneous records and geomagnetic map
Gauss Cemetery: Gauss is very religious and conservative. His father died on April 14, 1808, and later on October 11, 1809, his first wife Johanna also died. On August 4, the following year, Gauss married his second wife friederica Wilhelmine (1788-1831). They had three children: Eugen (1811-1896), Wilhelm (1813-1883) and Therese (1816-1864). On September 12, 1831, his second wife also died. In 1837, Gauss began to learn Russian. On April 18, 1839, his mother died in Gottingen at the age of 95. Gauss died in Gottingen at 1 a.m. on February 23, 1855. Many of his discoveries scattered in letters or notes to friends were discovered in 1898
Gauss's life is an extraordinary one. Almost every field of mathematics has his footprints. No wonder later generations often use his deeds and maxims to spur themselves. Over the past 100 years, many talented young people have grown into outstanding mathematicians under the influence of Gauss and made great contributions to human culture, His hometown, Brunswick, was renamed gaussberg. Gottingen University has erected a memorial statue with a prism as the base. There is such a poem on the Gauss portrait hanging in the Munich Museum: his thought goes deep into the mysteries of mathematics, space and nature. He measures the path of the stars, the shape of the earth and the natural forces. He promotes the progress of mathematics until the next century