Put 1,2,3 The 100 natural numbers are randomly divided into 50 groups with two numbers in each group. Now, one of the two numbers in each group is recorded as a and the other as B Take it into algebraic formula 1 / 2 (a + B - | A-B |) to calculate and get the result. After 50 groups are brought in, you can get 50 values, and find the [minimum value] of the sum of these 50 values

Put 1,2,3 The 100 natural numbers are randomly divided into 50 groups with two numbers in each group. Now, one of the two numbers in each group is recorded as a and the other as B Take it into algebraic formula 1 / 2 (a + B - | A-B |) to calculate and get the result. After 50 groups are brought in, you can get 50 values, and find the [minimum value] of the sum of these 50 values

The calculation of 1 / 2 (a + B - | A-B |) is to take the smaller number of ab. after 50 calculations, the smaller number is retained
So the minimum value of 50 values is from 1 + 2 + 3 +. + 50 = 51 × 25 = 1275