The set of even numbers greater than - 3 and less than 11 is () A. {x|-3<x<11,x∈Q}B. {x|-3<x<11}C. {x|-3<x<11,x=2k,k∈N}D. {x|-3<x<11,x=2k,k∈Z}

The set of even numbers greater than - 3 and less than 11 is () A. {x|-3<x<11,x∈Q}B. {x|-3<x<11}C. {x|-3<x<11,x=2k,k∈N}D. {x|-3<x<11,x=2k,k∈Z}

Because the number is even, it can be set as x = 2K, K ∈ Z, and because it is greater than - 3 and less than 11, so - 3 < x < 11. That is to say, the set of even numbers greater than - 3 and less than 11 is {x | - 3 < x < 11, x = 2K, K ∈ Z}