What are the characteristics of numbers divisible by 11

What are the characteristics of numbers divisible by 11

Characteristics of numbers divisible by 11
Add a number from the right to the left, and then calculate the difference between the odd and even digits. If the difference is a multiple of 11 (including 0), then the original number must be divisible by 11
For example, judge whether 491678 can be divided by 11
- → sum of odd digits 9 + 6 + 8 = 23
- → sum of even digits 4 + 1 + 7 = 12 23-12 = 11
Therefore, 491678 can be divided by 11
This method is called odd even difference method
In addition to the above methods, we can also use the cut subtraction method to judge. That is: subtract 10 times, 20 times, 30 times of 11 from a number If the remainder can be divided by 11, then the original number must be divided by 11
Another example: judge whether 583 can be divided by 11
If you subtract 50 times of 11 from 583 (583-11 × 50 = 33), the remainder is 33. 33 can be divided by 11 and 583 can be divided by 11