Given that the side length of square ABCD is 8, point m is on DC, DM is 2, and N is the first moving point on AC, then the minimum value of DN + Mn is? I know it's 10, but how can I get it? It's better to have a picture Also, I wish you a happy New Year's Day!

Given that the side length of square ABCD is 8, point m is on DC, DM is 2, and N is the first moving point on AC, then the minimum value of DN + Mn is? I know it's 10, but how can I get it? It's better to have a picture Also, I wish you a happy New Year's Day!

When n moves to the collinear point of M, N and B, BN + Mn takes the minimum value (the straight line segment between the two points is the shortest)
DN = BN, that is to say, the minimum value of DN + Mn