Six digit 20 () () 08 can be divided by 99, how much is () ()?

Six digit 20 () () 08 can be divided by 99, how much is () ()?

Think like this:
(1) 99 = 9 × 11, so this number must be divisible by 9 and 11 at the same time
(2) The characteristics of divisible by 9: if the sum of all numbers is a multiple of 9, the number can be divisible by 9;
(3) The sum of the numbers: 2 + 8 = 10,18-10 = 8, and the sum of the numbers in brackets is 8
(4) The characteristic that can be divided by 11: the difference between the last three digits and the first few digits (large number minus decimal) can be divided by 11, which is the multiple of 11
20 (1) (7) 08 708-201 = 507, 507 is not a multiple of 11
20 (7) (1) 08 207-108 = 99, 99 is a multiple of 11, then 207108 can be divisible by 11
20 (2) (6) 08 608-202 = 406, 406 is not a multiple of 11, then 202608 is not a multiple of 11
If 20 (6) (2) 08 208-206 = 2, 2 is not a multiple of 11, then 206208 is not divisible by 11
20 (3) (5) 08 508-203 = 305, if 305 is not a multiple of 11, then 203508 cannot be divisible by 11
20 (5) (3) 08 305-205 = 100, 100 is not a multiple of 11, then 205308 cannot be an integer of 11
(5) Only 20 (7) (1) 08 is divisible by 99