Do I reach the speed of light like this? Everyone knows that no one can reach the speed of light, but if I move to the left at half the speed of light and you move to the right at the same speed, then I'm not sure if you have reached the speed of light

Do I reach the speed of light like this? Everyone knows that no one can reach the speed of light, but if I move to the left at half the speed of light and you move to the right at the same speed, then I'm not sure if you have reached the speed of light

Big brother, relativity is not so relative-_ -||
Your mistake is that your movement is measured by another clock
If you walk 1 meter per second forward and a 3 meter per second bicycle comes from behind, you may say that your speed relative to the car is 2 meters per second. In physics, it does, but in fact, it is only an approximate algorithm. The problem is that time is also relative! The car is 3 meters per second, and the person is 1 meter per second. In fact, the time of the car is slower than that of the person, It's totally two different times. Maybe the car's watch shows 8 o'clock exactly, but your watch does show 8:01 (premise: the watch is accurate. It's exaggerated here. In fact, the watch won't be faster than the car's watch by 1 nanosecond). That's the difference in time
Usually we directly sum the velocity vector to find the relative velocity because the relative time effect is negligible
But here you compare people with light... Light has its own time, and people also have their own time, and the difference is huge. It's wrong to ignore the difference of time. You'd better read a book and learn more about it