What does the number 7 stand for and what does it mean?

What does the number 7 stand for and what does it mean?

Genesis records the process of God's creation of heaven and earth. On the first day, God created light; on the second day, he created air and water; on the third day, he created land, sea and all kinds of plants; on the fourth day, he created sun, moon, stars, day and night, seasons, days and years; on the fifth day, he created all kinds of animals; on the sixth day, God created man in his image; on the seventh day, he finished his creation, God took a rest from all his work and blessed the seventh day as a holy day. This became the origin of seven days in a week today. Sunday, also known as "Lord's Day", is also the day to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. In the past, Jesus came to the world to preach the truth of God, teach people, help and heal the sick, But those who did not believe in him crucified him. On the third day after his death, early Sunday morning, he rose from the dead. At that time, his disciples Mary, Joanna and all the believers living in Jerusalem saw Jesus rise from the dead. They knew that Jesus was a real and living Redeemer, full of joy and hope, It also reminds us that Sunday is the day to commemorate the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus for us. "7" is a magic number. Why does human beings set this number as the cycle of time? Why not "10", It's not "12". Because ancient people didn't know the progressive system, it was very difficult for them to understand numbers. Every natural number had to have a pronunciation. For those ancient people who were not very rich in language, they obviously couldn't do it. Therefore, they could only recognize smaller natural numbers. Therefore, 7 was a superstitious number in the West. Its status was the same as 8 in China, representing luck