The density 2 function of random variable x is: F (x) = 2x0

The density 2 function of random variable x is: F (x) = 2x0

Look at the picture. This is the general solution of y = H (x)

The quadratic function f (x) satisfies f (2 + x) = f (2-x), and f (2) = 1, f (0) = 3. If f (x) has a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 3 on [0, M], then the value range of m is the same

Because the quadratic function f (x) satisfies f (2 + x) = f (2-x)
So the quadratic function takes x = 2 as the axis of symmetry
So f (2) = 1 is the minimum value of the function
Because f (0) = 3, f (4) = 3
Draw a picture to see 2

If the functions y = f (x) and y = g (x) are odd in the interval (- 5,5), it is proved that the function g (x) = f (x) times g (x) is even in the interval (- 5,5)

From the meaning of the title, we can see that f (- x) = - f (x), G (- x) = - G (x) in X ∈ (- 5,5)
  G(x)=f(x)g(x) ,G(-x)=f(-x)g(-x),x∈(-5,5)
Therefore, the function g (x) = f (x) g (x) is even in X ∈ (- 5,5)

How to measure the area of irregular figure with Geometer's Sketchpad, such as parabola and coordinate axis

In the installation path of Geometer's Sketchpad, there are many lessons, among which calculus can measure the area you require. Please go to the samples folder of the installation path to find the relevant lessons

As shown in the figure, in square ABCD, e is the point on DC, connect be, make CF ⊥ be at P, intersect ad at F, if AP = ab

It is proved that am ⊥ be and m. ⊥ AMB = ⊥ amp = 90 °, ⊥ be ⊥ CF ⊥ 4 = 90 °, ⊥ AMB = ⊥ 4 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ∫ quadrilateral ABCD is a square, ⊥ AB = BC = CD, ⊥ ABC = 90 °. That is, ⊥ 1 + ⊥ 2 = 90 ° and ⊥ 2 = ⊥ 3 ∵

What is the symmetry axis of the square of quadratic function y = x-4x
On the right side of the axis of symmetry, y increases as x increases

Y = x-4x + 4-4 = (X-2) - 4
When y = 0, x = 0 or 4
So the axis of symmetry is x = 2

It is known that. ABCD is a four digit number, and. ABCD − DCBA = (997), which should be filled in the box______ .

ABCD DCBA = 1000A + 100b + 10C + d-1000d-100c-10b-a, = 999a + 90b-90c-999d, = 9 × (111a + 10b-10c-111d), because 9 × (111a + 10b-10c-111d) is a multiple of 9, so ABCD DCBA can be divisible by 9, so □ 997 should be divisible by 9

What conditions must be satisfied to prove that one or two graphs are centrosymmetric

First, take any point on a graph, then find out the symmetrical point about the center, and finally just verify that the symmetrical point is also on the graph

If we know that the sum of the two right sides of a right triangle is equal to 8 and what are the two right sides, what is the maximum area of the right triangle?

Let the right side of a right triangle be x, then the other right side is 8-x. the area of a right triangle is s. according to the title, s = 12x (8-x) (0 < x < 8), formula, s = - 12 (x-4) 2 + 8; when x = 4, that is, when the two right sides are 4, the area of the triangle is the largest, and the largest area is 8

In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1, the ratio of the surface area of the triangular pyramid d1-ab1c to that of the cube is?

Let the edge length of cube be a
The surface area of cube is s = 6A ^ 2
The triangular pyramid d1-ab1c is a regular tetrahedron with an edge length of √ 2A,
The area of one side of a regular tetrahedron S1 = √ 3 / 4 * (√ 2a) ^ 2
The surface area of tetrahedron s' = 2 √ 3A ^ 2