A cuboid wood is 3 meters long. Now, after sawing the wood into 4 sections, the surface area increases by 48 square decimeters. The volume of the cuboid wood is 3 meters______ Cubic decimeter

A cuboid wood is 3 meters long. Now, after sawing the wood into 4 sections, the surface area increases by 48 square decimeters. The volume of the cuboid wood is 3 meters______ Cubic decimeter

3 meters = 30 decimeters, 48 △ 6 × 30, = 8 × 30, = 240 (cubic decimeters). Answer: the volume of this wood is 240 cubic decimeters

A cylindrical wood is 4 meters long and its bottom radius is 10 cm. After it is cut into three sections, its surface area increases______ Square centimeter

14 × 102 × 4, = 3.14 × 100 × 4, = 1256 (square centimeter). A: the surface area has increased by 1256 square centimeter

The diameter of a round wood is 6cm and the length is 10cm. How much more surface area will be increased after the wood is cut into two cylinders?

Increased: 3.14x3x2 = 56.52 square centimeter

1 + x 1 / 1 + x 2 / 2 + 1 + x 4 / 4 + 1 + x 8 / 8

1-x 1 / 2 + 1 + x 1 / 2 + 1 + x 4 / 4 + 1 + x 8 = 1-x 2 / 2 + 1 + x 4 / 4 + 1 + x 8 = 1-x 4 / 4 + 1 + x 8 = 1-x 4 / 4 + 1 + x 4 / 4 + 1 + x 8 = 1-x 8 / 8

Party A, Party B and Party C work together to build a wall. Party A, Party B and Party C work together to build one third of the wall in five days, Party B and Party C work together for two days to build one fourth of the rest of the project, and Party A and Party C work together for five days to complete the rest. The total labor remuneration of the whole project is 600 yuan, and how many yuan does Party B get

It's hard

It is known that the perimeter of a parallelogram is 36cm. Among the two adjacent sides, the length of the long side is 12cm. How many cm is the length of the short side?

A passenger train is 200 meters long and a freight train is 280 meters long. They run in the same direction on parallel tracks. The freight train is in the front and the passenger train is in the back. The speed of the passenger train and the freight train is different
The ratio is 5:3. It takes 40 seconds for the bus to catch up with the truck until it completely exceeds the truck. What is the speed of the bus and the truck? (equation)

Suppose the speed of passenger car is x km / h and that of freight car is 3 / 5x km / h
The speed of passenger cars is 30 m / s, and that of freight cars is 18 m / s

Mathematical calculation problem, known what profit, seek Jia's profit?
He and Jia agreed to divide the profits into 70% and 30% in the first month, 60% and 40% in the second month, 55% and 45% in the third month. It is known that he got a total profit of 300000 in these three months. How much is the total profit of Jia?
Please tell me the specific calculation method!

He: 70% + 60% + 55% = 185%
Jia: 3 * 100% - 185% = 115%
So a Jia got 115% / 185% * 300000 = 1864886486550000!

There is a biggest circle in the square, and the circumference of the circle is 18.84 decimeters

Radius = 18.84 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 3 decimeters
Perimeter = 3 × 2 × 4 = 24 decimeters

The square of a - AB = 5, - B + AB = 1, find the square of a - 2Ab + B

The square of a - AB = 5 gives the square of a = 5 + ab
-B + AB = 1, b-ab = - 1
The square of a-2ab + B takes the square of a into 5 + ab-2ab + B = 5-ab + B
5 + (- 1) = 4 when b-ab is brought in