Ancient length units "Xun", "Li", "Chi", "Zhang" From small to large

Ancient length units "Xun", "Li", "Chi", "Zhang" From small to large

Chi Zhang Li Xun

How long is the unit of length converted from one foot in ancient times to one foot in modern times?
In martial arts novels, there are often units of one foot, one foot and so on. What is the current unit length?

Ancient Yizhang = 2.35m

What's the difference between the ancient one foot and the present one
What are the heights of Liu, Guan and Zhang in the Three Kingdoms period
What's the difference between the length unit of one foot, one inch in the Three Kingdoms period and that of today?
OK, another 100 points

How much was a foot in ancient times?
Shang - 1 foot is 16.95 cm
Chu (Warring States period) - one foot is 22.7 cm
Qin Dynasty: one foot is 23 cm
Han and Jin Dynasties -- one Chi is 24 cm
Sui -- 1 foot, 29.51 cm
Tang Dynasty - one foot is 31 cm
Song and Yuan Dynasties: one foot is 30.72 cm
Ming - 1 foot is 31.1 cm
Qing Dynasty (as now) - one foot is 32 cm
3 feet = 1 meter;
One foot = 10 inches; one inch = 10 minutes
1 foot = 33.3 cm; 1 inch = 3.3 cm

What are the length units

In the international system of units, the standard unit of length is "meter", which is indicated by the symbol "m". Other units of length include megameter (mm), kilometer (km), decimeter (DM), centimeter (CM), millimeter (mm), micron (μ m), nanometer (nm), etc

Try to write a quadratic trinomial about X, such that the coefficient of the quadratic term is 3, the constant term is - 4, and the value of this polynomial is 4 when x = 1
Can I send it with the format?

Let this polynomial be 3x ^ 2 + ax-4
When x = 1, 3x ^ 2 + ax-4 = 3 * 1 + A * 1-4 = 4
The solution is a = 5
So this polynomial is 3x ^ 2 + 5x-4

How many centimeters is five foot six?

I don't know if you're talking about feet or market feet
One foot = 12 inches one inch = 2.54 cm
5 feet 6 inches (feet) = 167.64 cm
One meter = 10 inches = 33.3333 cm
5 feet 6 inches (market size) = 186.66648 cm

How much is it?

(P + m + n) / (M + N + P)

For example, when to buy clothes with a price reduction, when to get the maximum profit and when to speed up and so on

a store sells the price of a product from 32.4 yuan per item to two yuan after a price adjustment of 40 yuan per item. (1). If the same price reduction rate is the same for the two times, the price reduction can be achieved (2). After investigation, the product can be sold more than 10 at a price of 0.2 yuan. If the original product can sell 500 copies per month, then the price will be adjusted after two times.

Solving equation 6x ^ 2 + 13x-5 = 0

So: X1 = - 5 / 2, X2 = 1 / 3

Simple calculation of (92 + 15) * (51 / 17)
