500dm3 = parts of M3

500dm3 = parts of M3

It's my pleasure to help you. I wish you progress in your study. If you don't understand, please ask me. If you understand, please adopt it in time! (*^__ ^*)

Find the tangent equation of the square of the circle (x-1) + (Y-2) passing through the point P (- 1,5) = 4

Let the tangent equation be: y = K (x + 1) + 5. (through P (- 1,5)). Then the sufficient condition for the equation to be tangent of a circle is that their simultaneous equations have and have only one root. The linear equation is taken into: (x-1) &# 178; + (K (x + 1) + 3) &# 178; = 4

Coefficient and degree of polynomial
-2X + 1 x's Square - XY + Y's Square 3x-4x's square + 1 - mn-m + 1
Find the coefficient of the above four numbers, times!
It's best to explain why

Coefficient: - 2 1 degree: 1 (the degree of the highest degree term in a polynomial is called the degree coefficient of the polynomial, which is the number factor in the monomial)
Coefficient: 1 - 1 times: 2
Coefficient: 3 - 4 1 times 2
Coefficient: - 1 times: 2

Wang Zhuang's weight is 39 kg. How many kg does his blood contain?

39 × 113 × 23 = 2 (kg) a: his blood contains about 2 kg of water

If f (x + 1) = 2x + 3, then f (3) = ()
A. 9B. 7C. 5D. 11

∵ f (x + 1) = 2x + 3, ∵ f (3) = f (2 + 1) = 2 × 2 + 3 = 7

5 / 6 of a number equals 20% of 36, which is the? Equation

216 out of 25

In triangle ABC, angle a is twice as big as angle B, and the sum of angle A and angle B is 18 degrees smaller than angle C. find out the degrees of each triangle

Angle B27, angle a54, angle C99

College calculus problem LIM (x →∞) [(X & sup2; + 1) / (x + 1) - ax-b] = 0, find a, B
College calculus problem LIM (x →∞) [(x ^ 2; + 1) / (x + 1) - ax-b] = 0, find a, B

There are 51 students in three classes in grade six. The number of students in class one is 34 in class two and 45 in class three. How many students are there in each of the three classes?

Answer: there are 15 people in class one, 20 people in class two and 16 people in class three

