What is the third root of 4096

What is the third root of 4096

The third root of 4096 = 16

Numerical reasoning: 6,24,60120, () a 160 B 350 C 210 D 480


{α | α = 30 ° + 2K × 180 ° K ∈ Z} {α | α = - 30 ° + (2k + 1) × 180 ° K ∈ Z} (z is an integer)
The two sets are combined to form {α | α = (- 1) ^ n × 30 ° + n × 180 °,

2K is even and 2K + 1 is cardinal
Replace n ∈ Z with n
When n is even, a = 30 degrees
When n is odd, a = - 30
So a = (- 1) ^ n * 30 + n * 180

Let f (x) be a continuous even function defined in R, and if x > 0, f (x) is a monotone function, then the sum of all x satisfying f (x) = (x + 3 / x + 4) is A. - 3

If f (x) = f (x + 3 / x + 4), that is, x = x + 3 / x + 4 or - x = x + 3 / x + 4, then x2 + 3x-3 = 0 or x2 + 5x + 3 = 0, then X1 + x2 = - 3 or X3 + X4 = - 5. If f (x) = f (x + 3 / x + 4), the sum of all x is - 3 + (- 5) = - 8, so C

Sixth grade Chinese Mathematics Olympiad

So many questions, so many points?
2. The ratio of a and B is 5:3, and the sum of their greatest common factor and least common multiple is 240. What are the two numbers?
Let the greatest common factor be x, then the two numbers are 5x and 3x respectively
Then the least common multiple is 15x, 15x + x = 240
So the two numbers are 45 and 75
1. How many four digits can be divisible by 3 when the single digit is 6?
Because the four digits divisible by 3 start at 1002 and end at 9999
So there are four digits (9999-1002) / 3 + 1 = 3000 that can be divided by 3
And find the rule of 1002 1005 1008 1011 1014 1017 1020 1023 1026 1029 / 1032 1035
A group of 10 single digits of four digits divisible by 3, and each group has a 6-digit number
So 3000 / 10 = 300, so there are 300
3. In the cyclic decimal 0.123456 (pure cyclic decimal, the cyclic section is marked on 1 and 7), move the two dots representing the cyclic section so that the 100th digit of the new cyclic decimal is 5. What is the new cyclic decimal?
When there is more than one number in the cycle, the representation of the cycle decimal requires a small dot on the last digit. Then only the small dot on 1 can be moved. After calculation, the small dot should be marked on 3. The new cycle decimal is 0.123456734567
(34567 cycles)
4. On the Double Ninth Festival, Yanling tea house invited 25 old people to taste tea. The age of these 25 old people is just 25 consecutive natural numbers, and the sum of their ages is just 2000. Q: how old is the oldest of them?
Let the youngest old man be x, then the sum of the ages of the 25 old men is X
25*x+(1+2… +24) = 25 * x + 300 = 2000, so we know x = 68, and the oldest person is 68 + 24 = 92
5. A vendor sold a batch of eggs at 3.6 cents for each big egg and 2.8 cents for each small egg, with a total income of 214 yuan?
Suppose the number of small eggs is 5 * x, then the number of large eggs is 8 * X. from the question, 214 yuan is equal to 21400 points,
8 * x * 36 + 5 * x * 28 = 21400, solving the equation, we can get x = 50. So we know that he sold 400 big eggs and 250 small eggs
6. A circle is 100 cm long. A and B start to crawl from the same point at the same time. A's speed is 3 cm per second. B turns around and climbs back after crawling 20 cm. It takes 15 days and 12 days to finish a job alone. Now, B has done it alone for 3 days, and then a and B cooperate to complete it. How many more days will it take?
Discuss according to the situation
Because two ants set out at the same time, they use the same time when they meet. So we can know the time of B by the time of A
At the beginning, if a climbs in the same direction, if a climbs only 40 cm, they all take 40 / 3 seconds, so B climbs (20 + (100-40)) = 80 cm, so B's speed is 6 cm / s. if a climbs 60 cm, they all take 60 / 3 = 20 seconds, then B climbs 20 + (100-60) = 60 cm, so B's speed is 3 cm / s
At the beginning, if a starts in the opposite direction, if a climbs 40 cm, they all take 40 / 3 seconds. It can be seen that B climbs 20 + 40 = 60 cm, so B's speed is 4.5 cm / s. if a climbs 60 cm, they all take 60 / 3 = 20 seconds, and B climbs 20 + 60 = 80 cm, so B's speed is 4 cm / s
(I'll help you with the rest tomorrow! Typing is so tiring! Mom! You should give some points more or less!)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 100 (only adding and subtracting in the middle) besides 123 + 4-5 + 67-89 = 100, what else?


Who has 225 practical problems of linear equation of one variable,
It must be 225, a dollar

1. A and B practice the 100 meter race. A runs 7 meters per second and B runs 6.5 meters per second. If a lets B run 1 second first, then a can catch up with B in a few seconds. The distance between a and B is 285 meters. A walks 8 meters per second from a and B walks 6 meters per second from B. If a walks 12 meters first, how many seconds does a start to meet B

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+100_ 111=


Five out of five minus two out of four equals six out of three plus 50 percent

5/x - 4/2x = 6/3x +50%
3/x = 2/x + 0.5
1/x = 0.5
x = 2

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