How to treat a bad thing as a good thing or a good thing as a bad thing

How to treat a bad thing as a good thing or a good thing as a bad thing

I accidentally fell into the pond 1 (but I struggled) and finally landed with a few fish in my pocket
I failed in the exam this time, but I made a new record after hard work
Happiness and disaster are the unity of opposites and can be transformed into each other under certain conditions. We should take a dialectical attitude towards things and know how to turn bad things into good things. However, transformation needs conditions, which requires summary and persistence. Don't misunderstand that transformation is inevitable
Please accept! Typing is very tired!

What is the physical formula for density

Physical formula (ρ water = 1.0 × 103 kg / m3)
Conversion relation of international primary unit and common unit in calculation formula of physical quantity
Density ρ ρ = m / V kg / m3 g / cm3 1g / cm3 = 1000kg / m3
Mass m m = ρ V kg kg 1kg = 1000g
Volume v v = m / ρ m3 cm3 1 m3 = 103dm3 = 106cm3 1L = 103ml (cm3)
When the state between ice and water changes, m water = m ice, P water > P ice, V water < V ice
When the same container is filled with different liquids, the volume of different liquids is equal, and the mass with higher density is larger
Volume of hollow part of hollow sphere V empty = V total-v real

In a hexagonal prism, the side length of the hexagon is 6 and the height is 4. Calculate its surface area and volume

The bottom is the sum of six regular triangles, S1 = 6 * √ 3A ^ 2 / 4 = 54 √ 3
The side is the same rectangle, S2 = ah = 24
Surface area s = 2S1 + 6s2 = 144 + 108 √ 3
Volume v = S1H = 216 √ 3

In Cartesian coordinates, the set of points on the coordinate axis can be expressed as?
Fill in the blanks in the number set of senior one
What do you mean?

{(x, y) / x = 0, y belongs to R or y = 0, X belongs to R}

C25 concrete mix proportion is cement, river sand, stone how much than how much, if 100 Jin of cement with how much river sand, stone and how much water, who can tell

Cement strength grade 32.5mpa
Crushed stone concrete
The surplus coefficient of cement is 1.08
Aggregate size 20mm
Slump 55-70mm
Consumption per cubic meter
Water, cement, sand, stone
205 、436、616、1143
mix proportion
Water, cement, sand, stone
Sand ratio 35%
Water cement ratio: 0.47

Given a > = b > 0, then the minimum value of a ^ 2 + 4 / ((2a-b) b) is

1 nm =? Micron =? Mm =? Cm =? Decimeter =? Meter
I have to use my order

1nm = 0.001 μ M = 0.000001 mm = 0.0000001cm = 0.00000001 decimeter = 0.000000001 meter

Physics a volume, given the volume, mass and density, seeking ideas

Volume = volume - mass / density... That's it!

In the equation y = a * x square + BX + C, when x is 1,2,3 respectively, the value of Y is 3, - 1,15 respectively. When x is 5, the value of Y is 3

Y = ax & # 178; + BX + C, substituting (x = 1, y = 3), (x = 2, y = - 1), (x = 3, y = 15) respectively, we get
③ - 2, we get 4 5A + B = 16
② - 1, we get ⑤ 3A + B = - 4
④ - 5, 2A = 20, a = 10
Substituting a = 10 into 5, we get b = - 34
Substituting a = 10, B = - 34 into ①, we get C = 27
When x = 5, y = 25A + 5B + C = 25x10 + 5x (- 34) + 27 = 250-170 + 27 = 107

Let (x0, Y0) be a point on the parabola y = x2 + 3x + 4, and find the tangent equation of (x0, Y0)

Its derivative is 2x + 3, and if you substitute 0, the slope is 3, so it's y = 3x