Standard form of English abbreviations Do you want to leave a blank space after the dot of the abbreviation? For example: P.O.Box or P.O.Box Another example: Massachusetts Inst.of Tech. or Massachusetts inst. (space) of Tech

Standard form of English abbreviations Do you want to leave a blank space after the dot of the abbreviation? For example: P.O.Box or P.O.Box Another example: Massachusetts Inst.of Tech. or Massachusetts inst. (space) of Tech

But if you need to abbreviate MIT, you can write it directly as MIT. You can understand it
You can write P.O.Box or PO box

What is the abbreviation of the people's Republic of China

People's Republic of China
Basic translation
the People's Republic of China (PRC)

What is the abbreviation of the people's Republic of China?


How much is one third minus two seventh?

Divide both sides and multiply by 21 to get 7-6 = 1

How to solve this equation? Can the process be more detailed? 6x + 8 = 7 (X-9)


How many degrees is sin1 equal to sin


How to solve the equation x △ 60 + 75 + 8 = x △ 70 + 75

x =-15660

Secondary application of one variable in mathematics of grade two in junior high school
Let x1, X2 be the equation x ^ 2 - (K + 2) x + 2K + 1 = 0 about X, and X1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 = 11. (1) find the value of K; (2) find a quadratic equation of one variable by using the relationship between root and coefficient, where one root is the sum of two roots of the original equation and the other is the square of the difference between two roots of the original equation


It is known that in the plane rectangular coordinate system, point a (8,0), point B (0,8) and moving point P start from the origin and move in the positive direction of x-axis at the speed of 1 unit per second
Q starts from point a and moves on ray AB at a speed of 2 units per second. Let the motion time be t
Is there a value of t such that △ Apq is an isosceles triangle?

1. T = 8 / 3 from 8-t = 2T
2. From 8-2 √ 2T = t, t = 8 / (1 + 2 √ 2t)
3. T = (16 √ 2 + 8) / 3 is obtained from (T-8) = 16 √ 2-2t
The above is the situation, please adopt it in time,

English word Solitaire! Y start, then 100!

yellow wall low way yes stop post time eat tea apple eletric clap print teach hip poilte encourage event tie eaten no opotion neither rabber rude e-dog green noodle each hiking glass sun number robber...