The sum of a prime number and five times of itself is 30. What is the prime number?

The sum of a prime number and five times of itself is 30. What is the prime number?


In prime numbers within 30, the sum of two prime numbers is the common group of prime numbers

Five groups
2 3、2 5、2 11、2 17、2 29.

How to calculate 8 2 3 7 9 as 4 (it must be calculated in numerical order)


If the solution of the equation LNX = 6-2x is x0, then the largest integer k =

Let f (x) = LNX + 2x-6
Because f (2) = ln2-20
SO 2

What is the sin1 / X image like?

It is very different from the image of y = SiNx. It is an oscillation curve with variable frequency. The closer to the origin, the higher the frequency, as shown in the figure

2X + (10-x) * 4 = 36,

Original formula = > 2x + 40-4x = 36
===> -2x+40=36
===> 2x=40-36=4
===> x=2

2 × 3 / 1 + 3 × 4 / 1 +
1 of 2 × 3 + 1 of 3 × 4 + 1 of 4 × 5 +. + 1 of 8 × 9 + 1 of 9 × 10
1 / 3 + 1 / 15 + 1 / 35 + 1 / 63 + 1 / 99 + 1 / 143
5x of 6-3 of 4 = 2x of 7

=1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+…… +1/9-1/10
2)=1/1×3+1/3×5+…… +1/11×13
=1/2(2/1×3+2/3×5+…… +2/11×13)
=1/2(1-1/3+1/3-1/5+…… +1/11-1/13)
Go to the denominator

Draw a (2,3) B (- 3, - 2) C (4,1) three points in the plane rectangular coordinate system as shown in the figure, and connect a, B, C three points in turn with line segments
Can you work out its area?
(it's better to have written narration ~)
We should not copy what we have on the Internet, which is not suitable for our junior high school students, and I don't understand,
For example:

This is the knowledge of junior high school! C = | ab | = √ [(2 + 3) ^ 2 + (2 + 3) ^ 2] = 5 √ 2 (distance formula between two points! Square root of difference between abscissa and ordinate) B = | AC | = √ [(4-2) ^ 2 + (1-3) ^ 2] = 2 √ 2 (ditto) a = | BC | = √ [(4 + 3) ^ 2 + (...)

What is 15 × (230-30 △ 5) equal to?


If the slope of the linear equation 3x + 2y-6 = 0 is K and the intercept on the Y axis is B, then ()
A. k=-23,b=3B. k=-32,b=3C. k=-23,b=-3D. k=-32,b=-3

From the linear equation 3x + 2y-6 = 0 to the oblique section: y = − 32x + 3, we can get the slope k = - 32, and the intercept on the Y axis is b = 3