Put primes in parentheses A two digit number in which the number on the tenth digit is 2 larger than that on the single digit, and it is also a multiple of 2 and 3. This number is ()

Put primes in parentheses A two digit number in which the number on the tenth digit is 2 larger than that on the single digit, and it is also a multiple of 2 and 3. This number is ()


Fill in the brackets with the appropriate prime number: 60 = ()+(


The two digits of the smallest composite number and the smallest prime number are () and (), and their common factor is ()

The two digits of the smallest composite number and the smallest prime number are (42) and (24), and their common factors are (1,2,3,6)

If the lengths of two sides of a triangle are 9 and 4, and the circumference is even, then the third side may be ()
A. 5B. 7C. 8D. 13

Let the length of the third side X. according to the trilateral relationship of the triangle, we can get 5 < x < 13. The value range of the perimeter l of the triangle is: 18 < L < 26. Also ∵ the perimeter of the triangle is even, so the number that satisfies the condition is 20, 22, 24. The length of the third side is 20-9-4 = 7, 22-9-4 = 9, 24-9-4 = 11

The greatest common divisor of 12 and 8 is a fraction of their least common multiple

The greatest common divisor is 4
The least common divisor is 24
So the answer is one sixth

Why is the slope of two vertical lines the reciprocal of the opposite slope of a line?
Such as the title

Tana = - (Tan (a + 90)) ^ - 1, namely Tana * Tan (a + 90) = - 1

Two cases of apples

two cases of apples

If the distance from a point m to the x-axis on the parabola y = 16x is equal to 12, then the distance from the point m to the focus of the parabola is equal to?

2p = 16, P / 2 = 4, so the collimator x = - 4, M is on the right side of y-axis on the parabola, and the distance from m (a, b) to x-axis is 12, then B = 12 = 144, so a = 9, so the distance from m to y-axis is 9, so the distance from m to collimator is 9 + 4 = 13. There is a parabola definition MF = m to collimator distance = 13

Find the derivative of the function y = in (3x - 1) + 2Sin (3x - π / 4)


It is known that the ordinary equation of parabola is X & # 178; - y-6 = 0. If the parameter t = 1 / 2T is selected, the parameter equation of parabola is?

It's x = 1 / 2 t,
In this case, (1 / 4) T & # 178; - y-6 = 0
∴ y=(1/4)t²-6
The parameter equation is
x=(1/2) t