The sum of two prime numbers is 60. What is the minimum value of the product of the two prime numbers

The sum of two prime numbers is 60. What is the minimum value of the product of the two prime numbers

If the sum of two numbers is fixed, the greater the difference between two numbers, the smaller the product
So from the smallest prime number up until both are prime numbers: 7,53
The product is 371

Divide 50 into the sum of two prime numbers to minimize the product. What are the two prime numbers?

3 and 47

60 times one seventh divided by 0.125 times 87.5 percent


Finding monotone interval of function y = - cos (2x - π / 3)
What's wrong with the minus sign,

From the perspective of image, symbol is to make the original image symmetrical about the X axis, so the previous simple addition sign becomes simple subtraction, and the simple subtraction becomes simple increase. So the simple Zeng interval of y = - cos (2x - π / 3) is the simple subtraction interval of y = cos (2X - π / 3), and the simple subtraction interval of y = cos (2x - π / 3) is the simple increasing interval of y = cos (2x - π / 3)

A number divided by any number is multiplied by its reciprocal,

Wrong, except 0

On the quadratic polynomial of the letter X, if the coefficient of the quadratic term is - 5, the coefficient of the first term is 2 and the constant term is - 3, then the polynomial is

Y = - 5x & # 178; + 2x-3 quadratic function y = ax ^ 2 + BX + C, where the coefficient a in front of quadratic term x ^ 2 is called quadratic term coefficient, the coefficient B in front of X is called primary term coefficient, and C is called constant term. For example, y = 3x ^ 2 + 2x + 5,3 is binomial coefficient, 2 is primary term coefficient, and 5 is constant term

10 yuan can buy 3 kg of apples, 5 yuan can buy how many kg of apples?

Calculate (- n ^ 2 / M) ^ 4 divided by (- Mn ^ 4)

(- n ^ 2 / M) ^ 4 divided by (- Mn ^ 4)

How much is the difference between three fourths and his reciprocal divided by five twelfth, half of 2.2 divided by one fourth of 4
Isn't the second one in sixteen?

You've misunderstood.
That's how you understand it
Half of two divided by a quarter of the quotient of four

If 4x2 + KX + 25 is a complete square, then K=______ .

∵ 4x2 + KX + 25 is a complete square form, ∵ 4x2 + KX + 25 = (2x ± 5) 2, and (2x ± 5) 2 = 4x2 ± 20x + 25, ∵ k = ± 20