If the sum of three times of a prime number and two times of another prime number is 100, what is the product of the two prime numbers

If the sum of three times of a prime number and two times of another prime number is 100, what is the product of the two prime numbers

Can there really be these two prime numbers? The prime number must not be even, so the three times of the first prime number must be singular, and the two times of the other prime number must be even. An odd number + an even number = singular, so the sum of 100 is wrong
Sorry, I was wrong just now, 2 * 3 + 47 * 2 = 100, 2 * 47 = 94

The sum of two times of a prime number and three times of another prime number is 100. What is the product of these two prime numbers? Please give the algorithm
Let X and y be OK, but we haven't learned to set two unknowns in primary school. Can we use arithmetic?

The product is 94
The method is as follows
Because 2x + 3Y = 100
Divide both sides by 2, and X + 3Y / 2 = 50
Because X and y are integers, 3Y / 2 must be integers, and 3 cannot be divisible by 2, so y must be divisible by 2, but the prime number of even number is only 2, so y = 2, x = 47
In fact, X and y are just code names, otherwise you can think like this
First, 100 minus an even number (2 times any number is even) and the result is even
The result of 3 times odd number must be odd, so the second prime number must be even, which can only be 2, and then the first prime number is 47
In fact, the focus is on the analysis of parity

The sum of three times of a prime and two times of another prime is 100. What is the product of these two primes?

3A + 2B = 100, a and B are prime numbers
3A = 100-2b, so 3a is even, so a = 2
Substitution: 2B = 94, B = 47
The product is 94

The sum of three times of a prime number and two times of a prime number is 100. What is the product of these two prime numbers

Because 100 is even
Two times of a natural number must be even
So three times that prime number is even
So the prime number of 3 times prime number must be 2
47 is a prime number
So the product of these two primes is 94

A total of 500 trees were planted by the green team, of which 20 did not survive. What is the survival rate of these trees?

Survival rate:

Solving inequality lx-3l < 5


In the supermarket, two pens are 10 yuan, "buy ten get one free" (buy ten get one free) promotion. If you buy one pen for all 44 students in the class, how much do you have to pay at least?

44 (10 + 1) = 44 (11) = 4 (pieces), buy 40 pieces, and give 4 pieces as a gift; (10 △ 2) × 40 = 5 × 40 = 200 (yuan) a: at least 200 yuan

Solve the following equation: - 3A / 2 = - 1A / 4 + 1
I hope the writing process is not so convenient,

-3a of 2 = - 1A of 4 + 1
A = - 1 / 11

It takes 10 hours for a bus and 15 hours for a freight car to go from a to B. now the two cars leave each other from two places. When they meet, the bus runs 240 kilometers. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 400 km

What is 1.2 * (minus one and five fourths) * (- 2.5) * (- three seventh)
