Let x ∈ [1100] find the range of y = x ^ (1-lgx)

Let x ∈ [1100] find the range of y = x ^ (1-lgx)

Let lgx = t, lgY = w,

A square with a side length of 4cm has the same perimeter and area ()

Wrong, perimeter and area are not comparable. Because different units

The existing rational numbers add, subtract, multiply, and divide the four numbers 3, 4, - 6, and 10 (each number is used only once) so that the result is equal to 24. Please write out the expressions of the three symbolic conditions

According to the meaning of the title: (10-4) - 3 × (- 6) = 24; 4 - (- 6) △ 3 × 10 = 24; 3 × [4 + 10 + (- 6)] = 24

Given that the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {an} is Sn, A1 = - 23, satisfying Sn + 1sn + 2 = an (n ≥ 2), calculate S1, S2, S3, S4, and guess the expression of Sn

Let SN2 + 2Sn + 1-ansn = 0, when n ≥ 2 (n ∈ n *), an = sn-sn-1, substituting into the above formula, sn-1sn + 2Sn + 1 = 0. (*) S1 = A1 = - 23, ∵ Sn + 1sn = An-2 (n ≥ 2, n ∈ n), let n = 2, S2 + 1S2 = A2-2 = s2-a1-2, ∵ 1S2 = 23-2, ∵ S2 = - 34

The perimeter of a square is 10 decimeters. Please find out the area of a parallelogram

Square area (10 / 4) of the square = 6.25 square decimeters, the area of parallelogram is unknown

How to do math 2-3 + 5-4 + 6 in grade one


Let {xn} satisfy X1 = 1, xn = (4xn-1 + 2) / (2xn-1 + 7)

A typical formula for finding the general term of fractional recursive sequence has a special method for finding the general term. The solution is as follows:
Let x = xn + XN-1, have
The eigenvalue X1 = - 2, X2 = 1 / 2
Therefore, there are:
Up and down:
{xn + 2 / XN-1 / 2} is an equal ratio sequence with a common ratio of 8 / 3, followed by formula calculation - & nbsp-

The kitchen is 35 decimeters long and 30 decimeters wide. Lay square tiles on the kitchen floor, and choose the tiles with several decimeters on each side to save? (the length of the side is the whole decimeter)

In fact, this question is about the common factor of 35 and 30. First, find out the factors of 35 and 30, and then find the common factor
The common factor of 35 and 30 is 1.5
Choose the side length of 1 decimeter or 5 decimeters to save

Application of Kirchhoff current law
Scope of application

It only applies to lumped parameter circuit, which means that the maximum linear dimension of the circuit itself is far less than the wavelength of current or voltage in the circuit, otherwise it is distributed parameter circuit

Calculus problem: how to find the limit when (x → 0), arcsinx / arctanx?
The book says that it is (arcsinx ~ arctanx), that is, arcsinx and arctanx are infinitesimal of equal order, that is, its limit is 1, but I calculate arcsinx / (arcsinx / arccosx) = arccosx, that is, when (x → 0), the limit of arccosx is Wu / 2

arcsinx=u sinu=x
arctanx=v tanv=x
X → 0), sinu → 0, u → 0, sinu and u are infinitesimal equivalent
X → 0), tanv → 0, V → 0, tanv and V are infinitesimal equivalent
X → 0), u and V are infinitesimal equivalent