How many can you write down by rewriting 4 times 6 equals 3 times 8 into a proportional expression?

How many can you write down by rewriting 4 times 6 equals 3 times 8 into a proportional expression?


Is the number of sets the number of subsets of sets
If {a, A1, A2. Am} intersects B = {a, A1, A2. Am, am + 1. An}, then the number of sets B is 2m power
Does the number of set B here refer to the number of subsets of set B?

Your topic is not right. After careful observation, I am sure it is not intersection, but union. The topic should be like this:
If {a, A1, A2. Am} and B = {a, A1, A2. Am, am + 1. An}, then some of the possible types of set B are m-th power of 2
Not a subset
The reason is that B must contain every one of {am + 1. An}, and the fact that the package does not contain every one of {a, A1, A2. Am} does not affect that equation
So every package in {a, A1, A2. Am} does not contain two cases, and the total number of cases is m power of 2. So it is possible that the combination of B has m power of 2

Skillful calculation of 45 × 56 + 45 × 27-83 × 15


How to calculate that x 7 / 7 equals 16

If it is: x + X / 7 = 16

X-18 + 22.5 = 40.5 to solve the equation


Which is bigger, sin1 or sinπ / 3


Equation x ^ 2 + (8-x) ^ 2 = 36,

Remove brackets
Merge congeners
Divide by two at the same time
Using formula method

Calculation problem. - 4 - [- 5 + 0.2 × 1 / 3 - 1) / (- 1 and 2 / 5)]
5 and 11 1-3 and 17 4 + 4 and 17 4-11 1

Calculation problem. - 4 - [- 5 + (0.2 × 1 / 3 - 1) / (- 1 and 2 / 5)] = - 4 - [- 5 + (1 / 15-1) / (- 7 / 5)] = - 4 - [- 5-14 / 15 × (- 5 / 7)] = - 4 - [- 5 + 2 / 3] = - 4 + 4 and 1 / 3 = 1 / 3,5 and 11,1-3 and 17,4 + 4 and 17,4-11,1 = 5 and 1 / 11,3 and 4 / 17 + 4

Draw a (2,3) B (- 3, - 2) C (4,1) three points in the plane rectangular coordinate system as shown in the figure, and connect a, B, C three points in turn with line segments
Can you work out its area?
It's better to be concise and accurate

A general method:
Make parallel lines of Y axis from C and B,
Make parallel lines of X axis from a and B and circle them into a rectangle,
First, find two kinds of rectangles, then find the area of three triangles on the angle, and subtract to get s Δ ABC
Rectangle length: 4 - (- 3) = 7 (rightmost abscissa minus leftmost abscissa), width: 3 - (- 2) = 5 (top ordinate minus bottom ordinate),
S rectangle = 35,
S upper left Δ = 1 / 2 * 5 * 5 = 12.5, s upper right Δ = 1 / 2 * 2 * 2 = 2, s lower right Δ = 1 / 2 * 3 * 7 = 10.5

What is 15 * 5 / 15
How to convert a fraction into a decimal
What's 4 out of 11 * 15
What is 7 * 3 / 15

First: 5
Second: divide the numerator by the denominator
Third: 44 / 15
Fourth: 21 / 15