How many times 80 is 800

How many times 80 is 800


The five numbers 0, 2, 3, 5 and 7 make up a formula of multiplying three digits by two digits, which makes the product maximum. 753 times 20 is wrong


If there are two intersections between a line passing through the focus and a hyperbola, what are the requirements for the slope of the asymptote

The slope of a straight line is not equal to that of an asymptote

1 2 3 4 5 6 = 1 how to add a sign to make it equal to 1
-- write in the middle,
Only + and + can be used-

The answer is not the only one!

△=b^2 - 4ac
What does it stand for

The definition of any one variable quadratic equation AX ^ 2 + BX + C = 0 (a ≠ 0) can be matched with (x + (B / 2a)) ^ 2 = B ^ 2-4ac, because a ≠ 0. From the meaning of square root, we can see that the sign of B ^ 2-4ac can determine the root of one variable quadratic equation

Rational addition and subtraction mixed operation: 6 and 3 / 5 + 21 + 4 and 4 / 5-18 + 3.2 I sincerely thank you!

17.6 or 17 and 1 / 5

TaNx and tany are the two roots of the equation x & # 178; + (4m + 1) x + 2m = 0, and m ≠ - 1 / 2 is used to find sin (x + y) / cos (X-Y)

Because TaNx, tany are two roots of the equation x & # 178; + (4m + 1) x + 2m = 0
So, TaNx + tany = - (4m + 1), tanxtany = 2m
So sin (x + y) / cos (X-Y) = (TaNx + tany) / (1 + tanxtany) = - (4m + 1) / (2m + 1)

Quarter () quarter () quarter () quarter () quarter = eighth fill in the operation symbol, one bracket and one bracket

1/4- 1/4 * 1/4 - 1/4 *1/4=1/8

The concept and image of mathematical function in senior one
F (x) = - 1 / x 2. F (x) = - 1 / x + 1

Define domain X & gt; 0 and X & lt; 0 above
The range is the same as the domain
Define domain X & gt; 0 and X & lt; 0 above
The range of X & lt; 1 and X & gt; 1 above
Of course, you have to write it as a set

At 8 am, a passenger car and a freight car run from a place 450 km away to B place at the same time. The passenger car runs 75 km per hour. At 9:30 am, the distance between the passenger car and the freight car is 15 km. When the passenger car reaches the destination, how far is the freight car from the destination? Use the equation to solve

Notice that the question is how far is the truck from the destination when the bus arrives at the destination
So the problem is that the speed of passenger cars is higher than that of freight cars
Suppose the speed of the freight car is x km / h,
It's 1.5 hours from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., so
Time required for bus to reach B: 450 / 75 = 6 hours
Therefore, the truck is 450-6 * 65 = 60 km away from the destination