A problem of solving quadratic inequality of one variable 2x²-7x+6 =2(x²-3.5x)+6 =2(x²-3.5x+3.0625-3.0625)+6 =2(x²-3.5x+3.0625)-6.125+6 =2(x-1.75)²-0.125

A problem of solving quadratic inequality of one variable 2x²-7x+6 =2(x²-3.5x)+6 =2(x²-3.5x+3.0625-3.0625)+6 =2(x²-3.5x+3.0625)-6.125+6 =2(x-1.75)²-0.125


Answers to cooperative reading questions in lesson 14 of Chinese practice and test in Volume 2 of grade 6 of Jiangsu Education Press
Learn to cooperate
Someone discussed heaven and hell with God. God said to him, "I'll show you what hell is."
They went into a room, a group of people surrounded by a large pot of broth, but everyone looked hungry and skinny. Each of them had a spoon that could reach the pot, but the handle of the spoon was longer than their arm. They couldn't put the soup into their mouth, and they couldn't drink the broth. They could only sigh and have nothing to do
"Come on, I'll show you heaven again." God led this man to another room. Everything here was no different from that room just now, a pot of soup, a group of people, the same long handled spoon. But everyone was broad and fat, singing happiness happily
"Why?" the man asked, "why can't people in hell drink broth, but people in heaven drink it?" God said with a smile: here, they all feed people. "
The story is not complicated, but it contains profound social philosophy and strong warning significance. Under the same conditions and equipment, why do some people turn it into heaven, while others turn it into hell? (the key lies in whether you choose common happiness or dominating interests.)
1. With the same conditions and equipment, some people turn it into heaven because (); while others turn it into hell because ()
2. Talk about your understanding of the last sentence of the passage

1. Under the same conditions and with the same equipment, some people turn it into heaven because they think of others, the collective and the spirit of self sacrifice in their heart; while others turn it into hell because they have only themselves, no others and selfishness in their heart
2. In practice, your understanding of the last sentence of the passage is: to be a man, you should learn to cooperate with others, to share happiness with others, and to share difficulties with others, then you will get outstanding achievements; if you choose to take advantage of yourself instead of sharing with others, you will lose your mind, just like a corrupt official, and finally fall into the net of law

To solve the cubic equation {2x + y + Z = 17 ① x + 2Y + Z = 18 ② x + y + 2Z = 21 ③

② +③
Minus 1
Substituting (1)
Substituting in (3)

Master Wang plans to process a batch of parts in two hours. When there are 160 parts left, the machine breaks down and the efficiency is 1 / 5 lower than the original plan. As a result, the task is delayed by 20 minutes. How many parts are there?

When 20 points = 13, 1-15 = 45160 ^ [13 ^ (1 ^ 45-1)] × 2, = 160 ^ [13 ^ (54 − 1)] × 2, = 160 ^ [13 ^ [14] × 2, = 160 ^ 43 × 2, = 120 × 2, = 240 (pieces); answer: there are 240 pieces of this batch of parts

8x-3 * 8 = 2x to solve the equation


There are two grain depots, a and B. the original tonnage of grain in a grain depot is 57 tons of that in B grain depot. If 6 tons are transferred from B grain depot to a grain depot, the tonnage of grain in a grain depot is 45 tons of that in B grain depot?

The total grain storage is: 6 ^ (77 + 5-54 + 5) = 6 ^ (712-59), = 6 ^ 136, = 216 (tons). Then the original grain storage of a is: 216 × 512 = 90 (tons); the original grain storage of B is: 216-90 = 126 (tons). Answer: the original grain storage of a is 90 tons, and the original grain storage of B is 126 tons

Five quarters minus one third divided by five ninths minus two fifths

=165 out of 28

You can put the nine numbers - 4, - 3, - 2, - 1,0,1,2,3,4 into the nine spaces in the figure below, so that the same row, the same sequence, and the same diagonal can be filled
Is the sum zero?
The 9-grid of the tic line

1 -4 3
2 0 -2
-3 4 -1

If the first n terms of an and Sn = 5 ^ n-a, then a is equal to

When n = 1, an = 4
5-a = 4

1. There are three kinds of trucks in the transportation company, one with a load of 3 tons and a freight of 300 yuan, one with a load of 3.5 tons and a freight of 330 yuan, and one with a load of 4.5 tons and a freight of 380 yuan?

8400 / 1000 / 3 = 2.8 is about 3 * 300 = 900 yuan
8400 / 3.5/1000 = 2.4 is about 3 * 330 = 990 yuan
8400 / 1000 / 4.5 = 1.87 is about 2 * 380 = 760 yuan
Therefore, it is most cost-effective to use a 4.5-ton truck