3 cubic of (- 1.5)

3 cubic of (- 1.5)

3 cubic of (- 1.5)
=3 cubic of (- 3 / 2)
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Write 57 in the form of multiplication of several prime numbers

3 and 19 are prime numbers
Prime number is divided by 1, only he can divide his own number

|x-1|+|x-2|+… +|What is the minimum value of x-2005______ .

Since there are 2005 terms in the absolute value of the original formula, the middle term is | x-1003 |, so just take x = 1003, and the sum of them can get the minimum value. The original formula can be expanded as: | X-1 | + | X-2 | + | x-3 | + +|x-2005|=|1003-1|+|1003-2|+… +|1003-1003|+|1003-1002|+… +|1003-20...

2 5 11 23 47 () () find the rule and fill in

2,5,11,23,47,2*2+1=5 2*5+1=11 2*11+1=23 2*23+1=47 2*47+1=95 2*95+1=191 …… General formula: A1 = 2 a (n + 1) = 2 * a (n) + 1

How many ways can 70 be divided into the sum of 11 different natural numbers


What is static friction? What is dynamic friction? Give a few examples
Please give a few examples

1. Static friction when an object moves along the tangent direction of the contact surface or has a tendency of relative motion on the surface of another object, there will be a force between the contact surfaces of two objects that hinders their relative motion or the tendency of relative motion. This force is called friction

Find the rule and fill in the number 1 4 9 25 () () 81
Summer homework for grade two of primary school
I also feel a few less, but not too sure, my nephew asked me this question. I think it's a book from Beijing Children's publishing house. I don't think it's wrong

It's all 1 * 1.2 * 2.3 * 3

What is the minimum natural number with four different prime factors? The prime factors are decomposed by short division

The minimum natural number with four different factors is 210
How can I use short division here? You can write the format yourself

(root 2-root 2 + root 4) / root 2 =?

(2-root 2-root 2 + 4-root 2) / root 2
=Radical 2-1 + 2 radical 2
=3 root 2-1

67 times 168 / 169 equals (write the main process)

67 times 168 / 169
=67 times (1-168 / 169)
=66 1 / 169