Xiaodong has 50 storybooks, 15% more than Xiaojun. How many storybooks does Xiaojun have? It's because I can't get rid of it completely, so I think the method is wrong. Why don't you do me a favor!

Xiaodong has 50 storybooks, 15% more than Xiaojun. How many storybooks does Xiaojun have? It's because I can't get rid of it completely, so I think the method is wrong. Why don't you do me a favor!

50-50 times 15 percent

Robots can do the same work as us

The robot can do the job the same as us.
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I wish you progress. If it helps you, please take it in time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

X = A.B.C, y = a.b.d, (where a, B, C, D are different prime numbers) the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of X and Y

Greatest common factor A * B
Least common multiple a * b * c * D

A cuboid glass container, measuring 6cm in length and 4cm in width, poured 48ml of water into the container, and then completely immersed a stone in the water. At this time, the water depth in the container is 25cm. What is the volume of this stone?

Should 25 in the title be 2.5?
A: 12cm3

Decompose 34 into prime factors by short division

2 and 17

A rectangular green space with a total area of 200 square meters and a width of 8 meters. The length remains unchanged and the width increases to 24 meters. What is the area of the expanded green space?


What are the styles of the article?
What kind of prose does it belong to? Are there any other categories?

Argumentation, narrative, expository
Prose belongs to narration

The teacher wrote three formulas on the blackboard: 52-32 = 8 × 2, 92-72 = 8 × 4152-32 = 8 × 27. Wang Hua then wrote two formulas with the same rule: 112-52 = 8 × 12152-72 = 8 × 22 (1) Please write two more formulas (different from the above formula) with the above rule; (2) write the rule reflecting the above formula in words; (3) prove the correctness of this rule

(1) 112-92 = 8 × 5132-112 = 8 × 6. (2) rule: the square difference of any two odd numbers is equal to the multiple of 8. (3) it is proved that if M and N are integers, and two odd numbers can represent 2m + 1 and 2n + 1, then (2m + 1) 2 - (2n + 1) 2 = 4 (m-n) (M + N + 1). When m and N are both odd or even numbers, (m-n) is even, so 4 (m-n) must be a multiple of 8. When m and N are odd even numbers, 4 (m-n) must be a multiple of 8 Then (M + N + 1) must be even, so 4 (M + N + 1) must be a multiple of 8, so the square difference of any two odd numbers is a multiple of 8

How many kilometers is one centimeter?

1 / 100000 km

English translation
Maybe you should learn to relax~
Maybe you should learn to relax~
Some translation is OK, better be a little more~

Some Chinese students are more busy than usual on weekends recently, because they have to take part in so many extracurricular activities. Many students are going to take part in exam skills training classes, they are for the exam