The second power of 27 × the eighth power of 9= The 2m power of 81 △ the 2m power of 9 △ the m power of 3 = 81 to find the value of M (? = divided by)

The second power of 27 × the eighth power of 9= The 2m power of 81 △ the 2m power of 9 △ the m power of 3 = 81 to find the value of M (? = divided by)

The original formula = (3 & # 179;), # 178; × (3 & # 178;) ^ 8

Grade 7 Volume 2 history knowledge

A foreign family. "-- stele of Xumi Fushou Temple
1. Emperor Shunzhi was canonized as "Dalai Lama"; Emperor Kangxi was canonized as "Panchen Erdeni"
2. In 1727, the Qing Dynasty established a minister in Tibet to manage Tibet together with Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama
23、 General Yili's setup: (P101)
Emperor Qianlong pacified the rebellion of Huibu, Xiaohe and Zhuo brothers, set up general Yili to take charge of the whole Xinjiang region including Balkhash Lake, and strengthened the jurisdiction over the northwest region. It shows that Xinjiang and other regions are part of China's territory
24、 The return of turhute tribe: (Part 7, P101)
1. Reason: controlled and oppressed by Tsarist Russia
2. Time: 1771 (Emperor Qianlong)
4. Significance: it has written a glorious chapter for the consolidation and development of a multi-ethnic country
25、 The emergence of the sprout of capitalism
1. Time of appearance: in the middle and late Ming Dynasty;
2. Budding areas: in Suzhou, Songjiang and other areas where the commodity economy is relatively developed in Jiangnan and southeast coastal areas;
3. Typical performance: "machine owners (manual workshop owners) contribute, machine workers (hired workers) contribute", machine owners are early capitalists, machine workers are early workers, they are the relationship between employment and employment
4. Influence: marks the beginning of the decline of China's feudal society
26、 The policy of "closing the door to the outside world" in the Qing Dynasty
1. The reasons are as follows: 1. The Qing government adhered to the traditional policy of "emphasizing the root and restraining the end" to suppress and crack down on industry and commerce, which restrained the development of capitalism
2. The self - sufficient feudal economy was stable, and the Qing government thought that there was no need for economic exchanges with foreign countries
3. The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were afraid that the sovereignty of the country would be infringed by foreign countries, and that the coastal people would contact with foreigners and endanger their rule
2. The main performance: in strict restrictions on foreign trade. (implementation of the policy of banning the sea, only open one port in Guangzhou as a foreign trade port, licensed by the "Guangzhou thirteen" unified management of trade.)
3. Influence: 1. Qing Dynasty implemented the closed door policy, which played a certain role of self-defense to the invasion of western colonists
2. The Qing government closed the door to the outside world, neither saw the change of the world form, nor timely learned advanced scientific knowledge and production technology from the west, which made China gradually fall behind in the world
3. It limits the development of foreign trade and navigation, and hinders the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries
4. Enlightenment: unswervingly take the road of reform and opening up

There are 76 red, blue and white glass balls, which are always arranged in the order of 2 red balls, 3 blue balls and 4 white balls

If two red balls, three blue balls and four white balls are regarded as a group, one group is nine
So there are 8 groups with 4 balls, that is, basketball = 3 * 8 + 2 = 26
So p = 26 / 76 = 0.34

It seems that 1ml = 1cc, ask what "CC" is

1cc = 1ml
CC stands for cubic centimeter. According to the international standard, one millionth of the length from the north pole to the equator (10000 km) passing through the original meridian of the Grenville Observatory in London must be one meter, 1 meter = 100 cm

The average score of English is 96, and that of Chinese and mathematics is 98

The average score of Chinese and mathematics is 98, and the total score of Chinese and mathematics is 98x2 = 196
The total score is 96x3 = 288
So English is 288 minus 196 = 92

There are five consecutive even numbers. We know that the third number is 12 more than 1 / 3 of the sum of the first number and the fifth number. What is the sum of these five even numbers?

The sum of the first number and the fifth number = the third number + the third number
The sum of the first number and the fifth number * 1 / 3 = the third number - 12
(the third number + the third number) * 1 / 3 = the third number - 12
The third number * 2 / 3 = the third number - 12
12 = the third number * 1 / 3
Third number = 36
The sum of these five even numbers = 5 * 36 = 180

How many kilos is a liter?

Liter is volume and kilogram is unit of mass. Different things have different density and different natural mass. For example, one liter of water is one kilogram. One liter of oil is lighter

All ancient poems (classification) in 12 volumes of Chinese textbooks from grade 1 to grade 6 published by Jiangsu Education Press
most urgent!

In the south of the Yangtze River, there are lotus leaves and fields in the south of the Yangtze River. In the East, in the west, in the south, and in the north, there are Yonge, luobinwang, goose, goose, quxiang, xiangtiange, Baimao floating in green water, hongzhangpoqingbo. Yongliu, hezhizhang, Jasper, is a tree high, with ten thousand green silk tapestries hanging down

0.01 to 0.99

0.01 × 0.99, 0.02 × 0.98

80 series of aluminum alloy windows, how many kilograms of aluminum per square meter?
The thickness is 1.4mm

In fact, because the process of each manufacturer may not be the same, and the same manufacturer in the same series also has different models and some small collocations, resulting in weight changes. But generally speaking, the ordinary air tight 80 sliding window is about 4.7 to 5.5 per square meter