There are two squares, the area of the first square is 81 square meters, the side length of the second square = 11 times of the side length of the first square, find the area of the second square

There are two squares, the area of the first square is 81 square meters, the side length of the second square = 11 times of the side length of the first square, find the area of the second square

[answer] 81 = 9 × 9

The distance between the sun and the earth is () meters

500 * 300000000 (speed of light) = 10 cubic meters of 15 * 10

Who is the first audience to hear the host's voice (V1 = 340m / S; the speed of electromagnetic wave is the same as that of light: V2 = 3 × 108m / s) sitting in the CCTV studio 17 meters away from the host or 30 kilometers away from Beijing

∵ S1 = 17m, V1 = 340m / S; S2 = 30km = 30000m, V2 = 3 × 108m / s ∵ the time for the audience sitting in the theater to hear music: according to v = st, T1 = s1v1 = 17m340m / S = 0.05s, the time for the audience sitting in front of the TV to hear music is T2 = s2v2 = 30000m3 × 108m / S = 0.0001s ∵ 0.0001s ∵ 0.05s, so the answer is: the audience sitting in front of the TV is better than the audience sitting in the studio First hear the voice of the host

How many cm square 2 is the area of a circle with perimeter ACM larger than that of a square with perimeter ACM?
Hurry up, hurry up

The area of circle is a square / 4 π. The area of square is a square / 16

Simple operation of 1 + 2-3 + 4 + 5-6 + 7 + 8-9... + 88 + 89-90
Such as the title


If the range of function f (x) = (2x2-a2x-a) lgx is [0, + ∞), then a=______ .

Let g (x) = 2x2-a2x-a, ∵ f (x) = (2x2-a2x-a) lgx be defined as (0, + ∞). ① when x ∈ (0, 1), lgx < 0, if f (x) = (2x2-a2x-a) lgx is defined as [0, + ∞], then G (0) = − a ≤ 0, G (1) = 2 − A2 − a ≤ 0, the solution is a ≥ 1; ② when x > 1, lgx >

If the ratio of edge length of small square and large square is 2:5, then the ratio of their surface area is (), and the ratio of their volume is
If the ratio of edge length of small square and large square is 2:5, then the ratio of their surface area is (), and the ratio of their volume is(

If the ratio of edge length of small square and large square is 2:5, the ratio of their surface area is (4:25), and the ratio of their volume is (8:125)

How can 9, 4, 3 and 10 be equal to 24?


In known sequence {an}, an > 0, Sn = a1 + A2 +. + an, and an = 6sn / (an + 3), find SN

From an = 6sn / (an + 3), we can get: SN = (an * an + 3an) / 6 (1), so: s (n-1) = (a (n-1) * a (n-1) + 3A (n-1)) / 6 (2) (1) minus (2), we can get: 3 (an + a (n-1)) = (an + a (n-1)) * (an-a (n-1)) and because: an > 0, so

The perimeter of the square is 32cm. Can you find the area of the parallelogram?

32 △ 4 = 8 (CM), area: 8 × 8 = 64 (cm 2). Answer: the area of parallelogram is 64 cm 2