When inductors and capacitors are in series, why does resonance occur when inductor current drops to zero

When inductors and capacitors are in series, why does resonance occur when inductor current drops to zero

"When inductors and capacitors are in series, why resonance occurs when inductor current drops to zero?"
Don't get the concept wrong without such a statement

What basic principles does historical materialism contain?

Including: 1, the dialectical relationship between social existence and social meaning
2. Productivity and relations of production
3. Economic base and superstructure
4. The masses are the creators of history
5. The guiding role of life values and values
6. Value judgment and value choice
7. Creation and Realization of value

What is the pronunciation of "Z" and "s" in English? It's best to have literature

In general, add [S] after the noun, clear consonant read [S] voiced consonant [Z]
Words ending with s, SH, CH, x, etc. after adding s, read [iz]
Words ending with CE, Se, Ze, (d) ge, etc. after adding s, read [iz]
For words ending with consonant + y, change y to I, add es and read [Z]

In △ ABC, B = π / 4, AC = 2 √ 5, COSC = (2 √ 5) / 5

Method 1
∵ COSC = 2 √ 5 / 5 > 0, ∵ C is an acute angle, and B = 45 degree, ∵ can pass a as ad ⊥ BC to d
It is obvious that: COSC = CD / AC = 2 √ 5 / 5, | CD = (2 √ 5 / 5) AC = (2 √ 5 / 5) × 2 √ 5 = 4
Based on the cosine theorem, there are:
Method 2
∵ COSC = 2 √ 5 / 5 > 0, ∵ C is an acute angle, and B = 45 degree, ∵ can pass a as ad ⊥ BC to d

A = 2 & # 178; × 3 × 5 & # 179; b = 2 × 3 & # 178; × 5 & # 178; the greatest common factor of a and B is (), and the least common multiple is (). How to calculate

a=2²×3×5³ b=2×3²×5²
The greatest common factor of a and B is (2 × 3 × 5 & # 178; = 150),
The least common multiple is (2 & # 178; × 3 & # 178; × 5 & # 179; = 4500)
Hope to help you!

If the perimeter of the angle ABC of an isosceles triangle is 18cm and the ratio AC to BC is 1:2, then the edge of the triangle is·

Because the isosceles triangle ABC, CA: BC = 1:2
Because the sum of the two sides of the triangle is greater than the third,
So AB cannot be equal to AC
So AB = BC
So AC: ab: BC = 1:2:2
Because the perimeter is 18 cm
So AC = 3.6cm AB = BC = 7.2cm

The greatest common divisor of 36 and 28 is () 5 and 9, the least common multiple is () 42 and 7, and the greatest common divisor is ()


Given that the point oblique equation of a straight line is Y - 2 = x - 1, then the slope of the straight line is? And the inclination angle is?
The inclination angle is 135 ° and the intercept on the Y axis is 3. (seeking the oblique section equation of the straight line) urgent! Please help!

So the slope k = 1
Tan tilt angle = k = 1
So tilt angle = 45 degrees
Tilt angle = 135 degrees
So the slope k = 135 degrees = - 1
The intercept on the y-axis is 3
Immediate pass (0,3)
So Y-3 = (- 1) (x-0)

How many apples do you have

How many apples do you have?
apples ['æplz]
n. Apple (plural); derrick small parts

If the square of the parabola y = 2x and the square of y = ax are symmetric about the X axis, then a=

On the x-axis symmetry, that is, except the opposite direction of the opening, all the images are the same, so a is the opposite number of 2, a = - 2