A barrel of liquor weighs 115 kg. After half of the liquor is sold, how many kg does it weigh? A barrel of liquor weighs 115 kg. After half of the liquor is sold, it still weighs 65 kg. How many kg does it weigh

A barrel of liquor weighs 115 kg. After half of the liquor is sold, how many kg does it weigh? A barrel of liquor weighs 115 kg. After half of the liquor is sold, it still weighs 65 kg. How many kg does it weigh

A barrel of wine weighs 115 kg, that is: the weight of barrel + wine = 115 kg, after half of the wine is sold, it weighs 65 kg, that is: the weight of barrel + half of the wine = 65 kg. You see, the weight of barrel + wine - barrel - (the weight of half of the wine) = the weight of half of the wine - barrel + the weight of the oil - barrel - (the weight of half of the oil) = the weight of the barrel + the weight of the oil

The Shanghai World Expo will be held from May 1st to October 31st, 2010. May 1st is Saturday, and October 31st is what day?

October 31, 2010 is Sunday, big weekend

What is the probability formula of classical probability? What is the requirement of sample space?

The probability formula of classical probability type is
P (a) = the number of basic events contained in event a, N / the total number of basic events in sample space, M = n / m
The sample space satisfies two conditions
1) The total number of basic events in sample space is limited;
2) The probability of each basic event is equal, that is, 1 / m

How to calculate 57 times 3.7 + 63 times 5.7

57 times 3.7 + 63 times 5.7
=57 times 3.7 + 6.3 times 57

Work efficiency formula

Work efficiency = total amount of work / working time

Simple calculation of 53.6 divided by 1.6 multiplied by 2.4
Simple calculation of (2.8 + 1.2) * 1.25


Every two people who attended a party shook hands once. All the people shook hands 72 times. How many people attended the party

There are x people at the party

Simple calculation of 23-8 / 9 × 37.5% △ 1 / 27

23-8/9×37.5%÷1/27 =23-8/9×3/8×27 =23-9 =14

It is known that the two solutions of the equation MX + NY = 5 are x = 1, y = - 1 and x = 2, y = 3

Substitute X and y to get
m-n=5 …… ①
2m+3n=5 …… ②
① * 3 + 2
3m+2m = 5*3+5=20
M = 4, n = - 1

(- 81) △ 2 and 1 / 4 + 4 / 9 △ (- 16) process,

(- 81) ÷ 2 1 / 4 + 4 / 9 (- 16)
=(- 81) * 4 / 9 + 4 / 9 * (- 1 / 16)