It takes Xiaolan 36 minutes to do a set of calculation problems according to the order of calculation. It takes 27 minutes to do a simple calculation, which can save money What percentage of time?

It takes Xiaolan 36 minutes to do a set of calculation problems according to the order of calculation. It takes 27 minutes to do a simple calculation, which can save money What percentage of time?

Have a good time

A number divided by the quotient of 6 / 5, minus 5 / 6 of 48, the difference is 65, what is the number? (use equation solution)

Let this number be X

6x-4 = 3x + 8 (solution equation) 3 (3x + 8) = 2 (2x + 12)

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Calculate the following questions in a simple way
9÷0.125 25.25×0.65×4÷0.65 0.485×102-48.5
= = =
= = =
= = =

9÷0.125=9* 1/8 =9/8 25.25×0.65×4÷0.65=25.25*4*(0.65/0.65)=25.25*4*1=101 0.485×102-48.5=48.5*1.02-48.5=48.5*(1.02-1)=48.5*0.02=0.485*2=0.97

Write natural numbers from 360 to 630 with odd divisors

If a is a divisor of natural number n, then Na is also a divisor of N. therefore, a and Na of N can be matched. Only when n = A2, a and Na will be equal. Therefore, when n is not a square number, its divisor will be matched in pairs, so that the number of divisors is even. When n is a square number A2, its divisor a can only be matched with itself

Solution equation: 0.4x + 5 + (0.4x + 5) × 0.8 + 12 = x


Calculation: (1-1 / 50) (1-1 / 49) (1-1 / 48) (1-1 / 4) (1-1 / 3) (1-1 / 2)

(1-1 / 50) (1-1 / 49) (1-1 / 48) (1-1 / 4) (1-1 / 3) (1-1 / 2)

If the inequality | 1-A | + | 2a-1 | = 2 holds, then the value range of real number a is?

When a

Find the remainder of the product 418 × 814 × 1616 divided by 13

418÷13=32… 2,814÷13=62… 8,1616÷13=124… 4,2×8×4=64,64÷13=4… 12. A: the product 418 × 814 × 1616 divided by 13 is 12

Simple calculation of 50.9 * 1.9 * 1.9-1.8
