Factorization (3-A) ^ 2-2a + 6

Factorization (3-A) ^ 2-2a + 6

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Factorization: 4 (A-3) ^ 2 - (a + 3) ^ 2

4(a-3)^2-(a+3)^2 =[2(a-3)]^2-(a+3)^2 =[2(a-3)+(a+3)][2(a-3)-(a+3)] =(3a-3)(a-9) =3(a-1)(a-9)

① (X-Y) () = square of X - 2XY + square of Y; (x-3) () = - square of X + 6x-9
② Square of () = square of 9m + 30m + 25
③ Calculation: (5x + 3) square (3-5X) square = ()
④ (a-b) square + () = (a + b) square; (3-y) square = () + (3 + y)
⑤ Given xy = - 1, the square of X + y = 7, then the square of (x + y) = (); (X-Y) square = ()
⑥ Calculate that ten and a fifth of the square equals

① (X-Y) (X-Y) = the square of X - 2XY + the square of Y; (x-3) (x-3) = - the square of X + 6x-9; ② the square of (3m + 5) = the square of 9m + 30m + 25 (only need to fill in an algebraic formula); ③ calculation: (5x + 3) the square of (3-5X) the square of (9-25x) & # 178; ④ (a-b) the square of + (4AB) = (a + b)

If xy-z = 0 and (y + x) / x = (Z + x) / y = (y + x) / Z, find the value of [(y + Z) (Z + x) (x + y)] / XYZ?

∵ xy-z = 0 ∵ xy = Z, and ∵ (y + x) / x = (Z + x) / y = (y + x) / Z, ∵ x = y = XY
Since 0 is not a denominator, x = y = z = 1
Substituting x = y = z = 1 into [(y + Z) (Z + x) (x + y)] / XYZ
Get 1~
The format may be wrong, but that's the way of thinking! I haven't done the equation for a long time`
I hope I can help!

How big is the yard? How many kilometers per hour

"Yard" is originally a unit of length, which is mainly used in Britain, its former colonies and Commonwealth countries. It is also used in the United States and other countries. As a unit of length, one yard is equal to three feet, that is, 0.9144 meters
But now in our spoken language, "code" is often used as a speed unit, usually used in the speed of vehicles, especially in the speed of cars
One yard as a unit of speed is equal to one kilometer per hour

Simple calculation 9300 - (82 + 67 * 104) 135 * 6 + 6 * 65 reminder; * this is a multiplier sign

The second question is s = 30 * (27 + 13) = 1200
I don't know the first question

If the radius of the bottom surface of a cylinder is known to be 4, and the plane at 30 ° to the bottom surface of the cylinder cuts the cylinder to obtain an ellipse, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is 0

The short half axis of the ellipse is the bottom radius 4, and the long half axis is 4 / cos (30) = 8 √ 3 / 3
The center of the ellipse is located on the axis of the cylinder, with the center of the ellipse as the origin and the line of the long half axis as the X axis

If the area of a rectangle is a ^ 3-2a ^ 2 + A and the width is a, then the length of the rectangle is a


Factorization 5 (2x-3) + 4 (3-2x)
Both solutions are best


Given that the point P (x, y) moves on the circle (X-2) square + (Y-2) square = 0, the minimum value of X / y is
There is also this problem, to build a cuboid uncovered pool with a volume of 200 cubic meters and a depth of 2 meters, the cost of the pool wall is 80 yuan / square meter, and the cost of the pool bottom is 120 yuan / square meter: suppose the bottom length of the pool is x, and the cost is f (x). Try to find the minimum value of F (x)?

For a rectangle with a volume of 200 cubic meters and a depth of 2 meters, the bottom area is 100 square meters. If the length of the bottom is x, the width is 100 / X and the cost is f (x). The total area of the bottom wall is 2x + 200 / X and the cost of the wall is (2x + 200 / x) * 80 yuan. F (x) = 12000 + (2